33-year-old YouTuber Mascha Feoktistova (Beautygloss) gave birth to her first child on Monday. On Instagram, she shares details about her delivery that she says was “quite traumatic.”
Mila Poppy, Feoktistova’s daughter, had a broken arm during childbirth. In total, the delivery lasted about 25 hours.
The YouTuber says it is still difficult to speak about how the delivery went. “I really find it so difficult to tell a lot about it now. We will have a conversation in the hospital in six weeks to process everything,” Feoktistova said on Instagram.
Feoktistova and her husband Gregor van Vlierden announced at the beginning of this year that they would become parents for the first time. They were very happy with that, because that was not obvious to them. The 33-year-old Feoktistova suffers from PCOS, as a result of which ovulation occurs less often and it is more difficult to get pregnant. She talks about this openly in her videos.