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Martin Ponsluoma is seen in Norway after the mass start in the Biathlon World Cup

OBERHOF/STOCKHOLM. Sturla Holm Laegreid criticized Martin Ponsiluoma for not wanting to go.

The silver medalist takes it easy.

– Norwegians usually sound like that, says the Swede.

It was after the first shot that Martin Ponsiluoma, Sturla Holm Laegreid and the Frenchman Jean Claude went out together in the lead. A moment later, the Norwegian and the Swede were seen sliding side by side, discussing.

They did not agree on who should pull.

After the mass start, Laegreid, who finished fourth, directed criticism at the Swedish silver medalist.

– I tried to get Ponsi to come forward. It is a bit of a custom in biathlon that you help each other. But after I left, he said he wouldn’t help Norway, says Laegreid and continues:

– For me, it would have been best if we helped each other, but perhaps Ponsi wanted to save himself for the last round.

“I thought he was a gentleman”

Do you think it’s unsportsmanlike?

– No, he is allowed to. But maybe he gave away the gold medal to Sebbe there, it could be.

Were you surprised he didn’t get up and pull?

– Yes a little. I thought he was a gentleman and that’s the impression I have of Ponsi. That he is like the rest of the Norwegians, down to earth.

When Martin Ponsiluoma hears about the criticism, he laughs.

– It will be like that on a mass start. It is important to ride smart and I did that, he says to Sportbladet.

Sturla was still critical – did you think he was a gentleman who follows the customs?
– Yes, but it usually sounds like that to the Norwegians. They usually win and usually don’t want to draw, so he has to take that on.

Swedish smash hit in the men’s mass event – gold and silver

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