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Marketing experts agree that networks can derail a tourism campaign


Representatives and marketing experts have warned this Wednesday that we must take into account what visitors express on the networks because they can make a tourist campaign fail.

They said this at a round table on the impact of a country’s brand and communication strategy within the framework of the Future of Tourism World Summit, which was held on October 26 and 27 at the Llotja de Mar in Barcelona.

The round table, held on the RTVE set, was attended by the director of the Barcelona Center de Diseny (BCD), Isabel Roig; the founder of the Princess of Girona Foundation, Lluís Bassat, and the president of Relebrand, Roberto Schaps, and has been moderated by the director of RTVE Catalunya, Oriol Nolis.

The three speakers agreed that “if there is a bad product, it is difficult to make a good campaign”, and they have also talked about the segmentation of campaigns to different population niches, depending on their interests.

“You cannot explain everything at once. In a one-minute communication campaign you can only give small strokes”, Bassat stressed; and Schaps has added that a clear and differentiated brand must also be created from other destinations and bet on that differentiation.

Roig has also underlined that the tourist seeks that differential experience and believes that the image determines the decision to travel to one place or another, for which he has affirmed that a brand must be maintained, “supporting it and giving it strength, so that it does not die of success and that it does not have negative edges “.

They have pointed out that the political situation, the environmental situation and fundamental rights in the countries may determine whether or not they are chosen as a tourist destination, and they have reiterated that if there is “a bad product” it is difficult to sell it even if there is a good advertising campaign.

Bassat has made reference to “violent” demonstrations, such as the altercations that occurred in Barcelona after the sentence of 1-O or after the imprisonment of Pablo Hásel, and has assured that they damage the image of cities and deter tourists, because the people want to go to safe places, according to him.

Schaps and Roig have spoken of sustainability as one of the factors that “is gaining more force” when choosing a destination, because society is more mentalized, especially among the new generations.

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