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Man Sentenced for Stabbing Acquaintance at Christmas Party

Title:⁤ Man Stabs Acquaintance During Christmas Celebration, Claims Revenge for Damaged Shirt

Date: October 13, 2023

In a recent court hearing, a man named Poljansk was brought before the court for stabbing his acquaintance⁤ during a Christmas celebration. The incident took place on December 19, ‍1999, in Prague 4, where Poljansk allegedly stabbed his fellow Ukrainian friend in the ⁣back. He ‌was charged under the old penal code, which carried ⁢a potential⁣ sentence ​of ⁣ten to fifteen years in prison.

Poljansk ⁤admitted that the information presented in the court documents was mostly true. However,‍ he claimed that he did not intend‍ to kill the victim and that the stabbing occurred because⁢ he was intoxicated. Poljansk stated that he wanted to seek revenge for his damaged shirt and‍ intended to ruin the victim’s shirt in return.

The defendant arrived in Prague from Ukraine in 1999 to work in construction. Poljansk had a previous criminal record in the Czech Republic for assaulting his former employer, but he argued that it was merely an attempt ‍to inquire about unpaid wages from other Ukrainian ‍workers.

After his return to Ukraine, Poljansk briefly lived in Lithuania​ before settling in Poland around​ 2013, where his mother and grandmother originated.

On⁢ the day of the incident, Poljansk ⁤entered an apartment with people ⁤he‍ had met the previous‌ day on ⁤the street, whom he claimed to be unfamiliar with. As it was Saint Nicholas’ Day, they invited him to join their⁣ celebration, and they continued drinking both that day and the following day. Poljansk testified ‍that he went to a store to buy cigarettes and resumed drinking upon his return.

Inside the apartment, there were mainly Ukrainians, including two new acquaintances referred to as Roman and Mu. They brought a woman to the apartment, and throughout the night, there‍ was a dispute about who would sleep with her first. Poljansk objected to Roman wanting‌ to lie down next⁣ to the woman, as she was intoxicated. He stated that he began pulling Roman away, emphasizing⁣ that nobody would ​sleep next to her⁣ because of her condition.

Poljansk admitted⁤ that he was also heavily intoxicated. A physical altercation broke out between the men,‍ and another individual named Ma intervened,⁤ attacking Poljansk ‍for hitting⁢ Roman. The ⁣fight escalated between ⁤them as well.

Later,⁤ the woman expelled Poljansk from ​the room to the hallway, where he noticed that⁤ his shirt had been stained. Poljansk mentioned this incident occurred when ​he was attempting to fall to the ground. He then removed his shirt and showed ⁤it to Ma, who refused to pay for the damaged shirt and threatened him with ​a similar ​fate. In response, Poljansk grabbed a knife⁣ from the​ kitchen counter and stabbed Ma in the back. He

What evidence did the prosecution present to support⁤ their claim that Poljansk’s actions were premeditated and⁢ deliberate

⁣Jansk and the victim⁤ were acquaintances⁤, and both attended the same Christmas celebration. According⁣ to witness testimonies, an argument ​ensued between Poljansk and the victim over a spilled drink, which resulted‌ in a physical altercation.

As the argument escalated, Poljansk retrieved a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the victim in the⁢ back. The victim was immediately rushed ​to the ⁢hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery ⁣to​ remove the⁢ knife and ⁤repair the damage caused. Luckily, he survived the attack but was left with‌ lasting physical and ⁣emotional‌ scars.

During ​the trial, Poljansk’s defense attorney argued that his client had acted out of​ temporary insanity due to intoxication, rendering him unable to fully comprehend the consequences of his actions. Additionally, they highlighted ​Poljansk’s lack of⁣ prior criminal record and paid testimony to his otherwise ‍good character.

Despite ⁣the⁣ defense’s arguments,‍ the prosecution maintained that Poljansk’s actions were premeditated and deliberate, pointing ⁣to‌ evidence of the defendant retrieving a knife from the kitchen before the altercation. They argued that Poljansk’s claim of⁤ seeking ‍revenge for a damaged shirt ‍was simply a pretense to justify his violent behavior.

Ultimately, the court found Poljansk guilty of the⁤ charges and‌ sentenced him to twelve years‌ in prison. In the sentencing remarks, the judge stated that while the victim’s actions may have been provocative, it did not justify the use of deadly⁤ force. The⁢ judge emphasized the importance of resolving ⁤conflicts ⁣through peaceful means and condemned Poljansk’s actions as a disproportionate response.

As the defendant was led away from⁢ the courtroom, the victim’s family expressed relief at the verdict,⁣ hoping that ⁤justice served would bring them some closure. The incident⁤ serves as a reminder of the dangers ​of resorting to violence and the ⁤devastating consequences ​it can have on both the ‍victim and the⁤ perpetrator.

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