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Mallow: a pharmacy in a plant

Hippocrates considered mallow to be a valuable medicinal plant. The ancient Egyptians used it in the kitchen, and the Europeans ate mallow until they discovered spinach and lettuce. In natural medicine, it is helpful in respiratory diseases and is effective in fighting infections.

There are several species of mallow, for therapeutic purposes being used mainly forest mallow, large mallow, garden mallow and small mallow. The phytotherapist Ovidiu Bojor writes in his book, “Biblical plants and scents”, that of all the species, the forest one (Malva sylvestris) excels in terms of active substances contained.

From the plant, both the flowers and the leaves and root are used. They contain varying amounts of mucilages, anthocyanins, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and have an emollient, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Treats respiratory diseases

Mallow mucilage brings benefits in case of respiratory diseases, such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. The positive effect of mallow can be enhanced by combining it with eucalyptus extract. The plant can be used as a mild laxative, but also in inflammations of the gastrointestinal mucosa and bladder.

Externally, gargle with mallow relieves the symptoms of tonsillitis, and herbal baths help in inflammation of the ocular, vaginal and rectal mucous membranes. In addition, it has beneficial properties in burns, scratches, abscesses, boils, skin inflammations and insect bites.

Method of administration in various diseases

Mallow has been treating dozens of ailments since antiquity, being appreciated by Greeks and Romans. And in the Old Testament he writes about it, from which it results that this plant has therapeutic virtues recognized for a long time.

Ideally, the mallow preparations should be taken, as far as possible, as directed by the phytotherapist. You can also be guided by the recommendations offered by the phytotherapist Mihai Alin Scralat, in his book “Small treatise on phytomedicine”, about the dosage in certain diseases.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro the symptoms whose ailments can be more easily removed with mallow remedies!

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