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Maldini and Massara raise their offer

In the first days of the new year, the meeting between the parties: the inclusion of performance bonuses could unlock the renewal issue

While the Rossoneri hearts multiply on social media, the Milan and Rafael Leao continue to seek a meeting point in the exhausting negotiation for the renewal of the contract expiring in June 2024. The matter is by no means closed yet, but something is moving, starting with an appointment set for the beginning of the new year in which Paolo Maldini and Frederic Massara they will put on the plate the new proposal from 6 million a yearclear sign of the efforts that the company is making to try to convince the Portuguese.

More than the Portuguese, happy with his AC Milan present, his entouragefrom fatherdecidedly more attracted by the possibility of landing in Premier and pick up the suitcase full of money – we talk about 12 million a year -, that the City he is ready to deliver to the Rossoneri talent. The City but also the Chelsea and company. In short, anyone who is able to spend and spend a lot.

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But let’s go back to Milan, because, in fact, the agreement with the Rossoneri remains the priority for Leao. The main issue, as is well known, is the 19 million plus fine that Rafa has to pay to the club Sporting Lisbon. Milan is not willing to participate in the balance, but can guarantee the Portuguese a more than worthy salary by approaching the request from 7 million of the counterparty. The distance, therefore, would be one million, even if every indiscretion must be taken with a grain of salt until the smoke, black or white, that will follow. Being halfway, then, let’s say a 6.5 millioncould be the solution, with the inclusion of performance bonus that could finally blow the champagne cork.

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Certainly the renewal node will not be drawn too long. We are not even close to the aut aut yetbut certainly the Rossoneri they won’t let Leao leave in January. In short, if the agreement arrives by first month of 2023 good, indeed very good, otherwise the work will continue in search of a point of contact. The accounts, therefore, will, if anything, be done in the summer when yes, without a new contract, the possibility of selling the Portuguese can be considered.

All while the championship is there to come and Rafa shows himself smiling on social media between little hearts, precisely, Rossoneri, and the “homecoming” which would seem a bit pimping if it wasn’t really his emotional state. This, to say, the weight of him will have: Leao at Milan feels at home, loved and appreciated, at the center of a project that will be increasingly built around his talent. Will he stay with the Rossoneri forever? We would say no. But the time to say goodbye to the troops is not now. He explained it to her Ibrawill he understand?

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