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Magic effect .. a list of 12 foods that curb a malignant disease

And the wordsor what is known as"Large intestine"plays a vital role in the process digestiontransporting waste and expelling it from thefor the body.

The colon is not immune to many health ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating and can turn into colon cancer.

It’s inside been unitedestimates American Cancer Society It is estimated that 100,000 people in the country develop colon cancer every year.

According to the site "Health summary"the experts of "Mayo Clinic" They recommend a list of 12 foods that are beneficial for colon health.

Featured in these foods are beans, although they are associated in people’s minds with a lot of gas, but they are high in fiber and help expel waste from the body more smoothly, but if they are eaten in a healthy and reasonable amount.

The second ingredient is yogurt or yogurt, because it contains SoccerAnd it has a positive effect in the prevention of colon cancer, because it contains beneficial bacteria for the digestive process.

The third food is mackerel, which is rich in beneficial fats, thanks to its omega-3 fatty acid content, and therefore plays a very beneficial role in the colon.

Doctors also recommend eating brown rice, while a study published in the British Cancer Journal revealed that people who eat whole grains are 35% less likely to develop colon cancer.

The list of 12 foods includes both dried fruit which should be consumed in moderation, as it contains a high percentage of sugar, as it provides fiber to the body.

Experts also recommend eating"kimchi" traditional for Koreans; which is similar to"brine"Because it helps in the recovery of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.

Likewise, health experts recommend eating both chicken breast, oranges and grains like "chia"bananas and olive oil and drink adequate amounts of water.

On the other hand, health experts warn against excessive intake of foods such as processed red meat or fried foods and alcohol, because they increase the risk of colon cancer.


And the wordsor what is known as the “large intestine” plays a vital role in the process digestiontransporting waste and expelling it from thefor the body.

The colon is not immune to many health ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating and can turn into colon cancer.

It’s inside been unitedestimates American Cancer Society It is estimated that 100,000 people in the country develop colon cancer every year.

According to the “Health Digest” website, experts from the “Mayo Clinic” recommend a list of 12 foods useful for colon health.

Featured in these foods are beans, although they are associated in people’s minds with a lot of gas, but they are high in fiber and help expel waste from the body more smoothly, but if they are eaten in a healthy and reasonable amount.

The second ingredient is yogurt or yogurt, because it contains SoccerAnd it has a positive effect in the prevention of colon cancer, because it contains beneficial bacteria for the digestive process.

The third food is mackerel, which is rich in beneficial fats, thanks to its omega-3 fatty acid content, and therefore plays a very beneficial role in the colon.

Doctors also recommend eating brown rice, while a study published in the British Cancer Journal revealed that people who eat whole grains are 35% less likely to develop colon cancer.

The list of 12 foods includes both dried fruit which should be consumed in moderation, as it contains a high percentage of sugar, as it provides fiber to the body.

Experts also recommend Kimchi, the traditional food of Koreans; It is similar to “pickle” in that it helps in the recovery of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.

Likewise, health experts recommend eating chicken breast, oranges, cereals such as “chia”, bananas and olive oil, and drinking enough water.

On the other hand, health experts warn against excessive intake of foods such as processed red meat or fried foods and alcohol, because they increase the risk of colon cancer.

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