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Madrid and Barcelona, ​​with many possibilities of going to phase 1

The Ministry of Health It is already studying the technical documentation sent by the governments of the Community of Madrid and Catalonia to move towards phase 1 of the transition plan, as well as the proposal of the Valencian generalitat to stay another week in this phase and the claims of Andalusia and the Basque Country to go to phase 2.

The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, and the fourth vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, this Thursday they chaired telematic meetings with the Health advisers of these five autonomous communities to address confinement relief measures.

This Tuesday the reporting deadline ended to request advances in the measures of relief of the confinement, although the own director of the Center of Coordination of Alerts and Sanitary Emergencies (CCAES), Fernando Simón, He has indicated that from the Ministry they are flexible and would accept the documentation that arrived this Wednesday.

After receiving the documentation, Health begins a process of analysis and study to determine if it accepts the proposals of the different regions for next Monday, the 25th.

During the meeting, the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso has again requested for the third time the passage of the entire region to phase 1 on the 25th after the two previous refusals from the Ministry of Health.

The Madrid authorities assured after the second refusal of the Ministry to access this phase that autonomy fulfilled, in his opinion, with the requirements set by Health and that the rejection was due to political reasons.

The Minister of Health, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, defended the region complied with the claimed parameters, both due to the care capacity (with elasticity plans before regrowth), its monitoring network and surveillance of suspected cases and its ability to deploy PCR diagnostic tests, both in hospitals and in Primary Care.

For its part, the Catalan Government has proposed that Barcelona and the northern and southern metropolitan regions go to phase 1 of the de-escalation due to the pandemic and Camp de Tarragona, Terres de l’Ebre (Tarragona) and Alt-Pirineu (Lleida) advance to phase 2.

The Barcelona metropolitan area and the Baix Montseny are the only areas that appear in the initial phase, the most restrictive, while last Monday the sanitary zones of Central Catalonia advanced, the provinces of Gerona and Lleida and Alto Penedés and Garraf.

From the Generalitat Valenciana has chosen not to request the pass to phase 2 and bets on staying another week in the current situation for “prudence”.

The Ministry of Health, Ana Barceló, He explained that although “the data is good” and the Valencian territory “epidemiologically well” from the Valencian Government they have preferred to be prudent.

Finally, from the governments of Andalusia and the Basque Country It has been claimed that the entire territory of both autonomous communities go to phase 2 next Monday.

Trilla believes that Barcelona and its metropolitan area have “great possibilities” to advance

For his part, the chief of Epidemiology at the Clinical Hospital, Antoni Trilla, believes that Barcelona city and the two metropolitan regions, all in phase 0.5, have “great possibilities” move on to phase 1 next Monday.

In addition, he said on Catalunya Radio, that he considers that the three health regions can go to phase 1 “with the indicators well consolidated,” reports Acn.

All in all, he recalled that you have to be “cautious” since the numbers of infections or deaths are not the only data. “You have to value many other capabilities,” he added.

About the Health announcement of keep in phase 2 only the strip for walking for vulnerable groups, Like older people, Trilla has indicated that it is a “prudent” measure. “It won’t bother anyone,” he concluded.

According to him, this measure will “basically” provide a safe space for older people and ensures that it is “good” that at least they have a time slot where they are not “a mass of people doing sports or all the children playing at the same time”.

On the decrease in new positive cases and deaths reported this Friday by Health compared to Thursday’s data, Trilla has indicated that “they are among the lowest in the evolution of the epidemic.”

“If there are fewer and fewer oscillations and the trend is consolidated It is very good news, “he pointed out. Finally, the epidemiologist also spoke of the immediate side effects of covid-19 in some patients, cases that are now being followed and studied in various Catalan hospitals such as the Clinic.

He said, it is beginning to be seen that they can have consequences such as lung problems, loss of muscle mass, atrophy or neurological symptoms. “What they will do is see how these paintings evolve and as we return to normal, tests can be done that during acute illness could not be done, “he explained.

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