Home » today » Entertainment » Madonna’s fans are out of luck: There won’t be a movie, the studio broke the stick over her because of the shame on Instagram

Madonna’s fans are out of luck: There won’t be a movie, the studio broke the stick over her because of the shame on Instagram

News broke a few days ago that Universal was suspending production on the Madonna blockbuster. Everyone, including the singer herself, assured that this is happening only and only because of her tour, after which everyone will return to the project.

But according to the American version of the British newspaper The Sun, things are completely different. A source directly from Hollywood claims that the studio Universal decided to cut the project long before the singer announced the tour.

Reason? The producers allegedly broke the stick over Madonna. They are annoyed by her scandalous and erratic behavior as well as her irresponsible attitude.

“Madonna has been acting weird on social media throughout the process. She signed a contract to make this film, and according to the heads of Universal, this was supposed to be a signal for her to stop with the circus antics, stop chasing likes and devote all her attention to the production of the film. While her hilarious Instagram posts are entertaining to her die-hard fans, they haven’t been doing her any favors at Universal. Bosses were loath to watch what Madonna was up to during the months she was supposed to be working on the script.” says the source.

Specifically, the singer’s vulgar posts should have bothered the bosses. In many of them, the 64-year-old Madonna took her clothes off, posed for pictures in strange poses, wrote lewd comments, rapped about who she would punch in the face, and at other times filmed herself licking water from her dog’s bowl.

Long story short, while producers expected her to devote herself full-time to film, Madonna spawned one scandal after another, filling the front pages of the tabloids.

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Meanwhile, people who took him seriously were wasting their time and money on the project. Regular auditions were held, a number of actresses tried to get the role of Madonna, in the end the choice fell on Julia Garner, who looks really similar to the singer, the studio also signed the Oscar-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody, but after a while she let it be known that she was quitting because she wanted to work with Madonna it doesn’t work.

“When the casting process began in early 2021, there was still no final script. And frankly, that was the first big red flag for the whole community. Although stars such as Julia Garner, Sydney Sweeney and Florence Pugh entered the process with good faith and a genuine desire for the role, their representatives were dismayed that the film still did not have a finished script. The actresses learned to sing like Madonna and took dance lessons,” describes a Hollywood source.


According to him, the studio itself sunk ten to twelve million dollars into the project, which translates to more than a quarter of a billion crowns. Precisely in order to prevent further losses, the production of the film was cut off.

“Madonna’s notorious stubbornness may have been the key to the success of her music career, but it doesn’t work nearly as well when it comes to filmmaking.” shrugs a person familiar with the events surrounding the film.

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