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Macron appeals to Xi Jinping to reason with Russia for peace in Ukraine

The relationship between China and Russia has been under scrutiny recently, particularly in light of China’s increasing economic and political power on the global stage. French President Emmanuel Macron has added his voice to the conversation, meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and urging him to “bring Russia to its senses.” Macron’s comments come as Russia continues to play a significant role in several international conflicts, including the ongoing conflict in Syria. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Macron’s remarks and what they could mean for the future of global politics.

French President Emmanuel Macron has called on Chinese President Xi Jinping to use his influence to “bring Russia to its senses” and help end the conflict in Ukraine. The two leaders met in China, where Macron is seeking to strengthen economic ties and address global challenges, including climate change and nuclear proliferation.

Macron’s call to Xi came after the French leader and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone earlier this week. According to the Kremlin, Putin stressed the need for Kiev to honor the ceasefire agreement and to hold elections in the Donbass region, which has been the site of a separatist insurgency since 2014.

But Macron was reportedly not satisfied with Putin’s response and has been seeking to engage other world leaders, including Xi, to help resolve the conflict. He told Xi that China has “enormous leverage” with Russia and could play a constructive role in promoting peace.

Xi reportedly agreed with Macron’s view and said that China supports a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine conflict through diplomatic means. He also stressed the need for all parties to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The meeting between Macron and Xi comes amid growing tensions between China and the West over issues such as human rights, trade, and national security. The EU and the US have accused China of human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang and of cracking down on democratic freedoms in Hong Kong.

But Macron has been seeking to strike a balance between engaging China on issues of mutual concern, such as climate change, while also raising concerns about human rights and democratic values. He has called for a more coordinated approach by Western countries towards China, rather than a confrontation.

Macron’s trip to China is part of his wider efforts to promote French economic interests in Asia and to strengthen relations with countries such as Japan, South Korea, and India. He is also seeking to position France as a leader in the global fight against climate change, ahead of the UN climate summit in Glasgow later this year.

But his trip has been overshadowed by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which has been a major flashpoint between Russia and the West since 2014. The conflict is believed to have claimed over 13,000 lives and has led to the imposition of economic sanctions by Western countries against Russia.

Macron’s call to Xi signals his determination to find a solution to the conflict and to engage key players such as China and Russia in the effort. But it remains to be seen whether his efforts will succeed in bringing an end to the violence and instability that have plagued Ukraine for years.

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