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Lymphedema Symptoms, Causes, Diet & Treatment Guide: Expert Tips

[Chinese Health Network Reporter Huang Manying/Taipei Report]Lymphedema is a problem with the lymphatic system, which causes swelling and accumulation of water in certain parts of the body. Swelling often occurs in the arms or legs. Cancer patients undergo surgical treatment, which requires removal of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels, or local radiation therapy, which will lead to poor lymphatic system function and accumulation of lymph fluid. If it occurs in the lower limbs, it will cause lower limb lymphedema.

What to do about lymphedema? Which subject should I study?Dr. Wang Junping: 5 categories of foods can improve lymphedema

A woman who had undergone breast cancer surgery experienced swelling in her arms due to lymphedema, which not only affected her daily life but also put a strain on her mental health. Lymphedema is an important health problem that requires more attention and appropriate treatment. Lymphedema is a condition caused by abnormal functioning or damage to the lymphatic system, causing fluid and waste products to accumulate in the lymphoid tissue. The disease can be caused by a variety of factors, including lymphatic system abnormalities, infection, trauma or surgery, and even medication side effects.

Dr. Wang Junping from the Rehabilitation Department shares with you the causes, symptoms, treatments, massage methods of lymphedema, and tells you which foods can improve the problem of lymphedema.

What is lymphedema?

Lymphedema is a disease caused by abnormal functioning or damage of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the body and is responsible for removing excess fluid and waste from the body. It is also involved in the immune response and helps the body fight infections. When the lymphatic system encounters problems, fluid and waste products can accumulate in the lymphatic tissue, causing lymphedema.

To put it bluntly, due to problems with the lymphatic system, water and swelling occur in certain parts of the body. The lymphatic system is like a drainage system in our body, responsible for transporting body fluids and excess matter away. But if the lymphatic ducts are blocked or the lymph nodes are damaged, the fluid cannot flow away normally, and as a result, it will accumulate in certain parts of the body, causing swelling. This swelling usually occurs in the arms or legs, but can sometimes occur in other parts of the body.

The lymphatic system is like a drainage system in our body, responsible for transporting body fluids and excess matter away. But if the lymphatic ducts are blocked or the lymph nodes are damaged, the fluid cannot flow away normally, and as a result, it will accumulate in certain parts of the body, causing swelling.

What causes lymphedema?

Lymphedema is caused by problems with the lymphatic system, which prevents body fluids from flowing normally and accumulates in certain parts of the body. The three common causes are damage to the lymphatic system, congenital problems, infection or obstruction.

Causes of Lymphedema

1. Damage to the lymphatic system: If the lymphatic system in our body is damaged, such as due to surgery, cancer treatment (such as lymph node removal), or injury, the lymphatic channels may not work properly, causing body fluids to not flow smoothly. Lymphedema will form.

2. Congenital problems: Some people are born with problems with the lymphatic system, such as underdevelopment of lymphatic ducts or too few lymphatic ducts. This situation can also lead to lymphedema.

3. Infection or obstruction: If the lymphatic system is blocked due to infection (such as bacterial or parasitic infection) or other reasons (such as tumor compressing lymphatic vessels), it may lead to sluggish flow of lymph fluid and eventually form lymphedema.

What are the symptoms of lymphedema?

Common symptoms of lymphedema are that an area, such as an arm or leg, swells up for no apparent reason, the skin feels tight or hard, and sometimes it feels heavy or uncomfortable. If you have these symptoms, especially if they appear suddenly, it’s a good idea to see your doctor to get it checked out.

Common symptoms of lymphedema

1. Partial swelling: This is the most obvious symptom and usually occurs in one arm or leg, but sometimes occurs in other areas. This swelling occurs because lymph fluid accumulates in that area.

2. Tight or hard skin: Because of fluid buildup, the skin may feel tight or even become harder over time. Some people may feel discomfort or pain in the swollen area.

What happens with lymphedema?

Lymphedema is swelling of an area of ​​the body, such as an arm or leg. The swollen area may feel heavy, the skin may feel tight or hard, and it may sometimes hurt. If left untreated, the swelling will get worse and even affect daily movements.

Effects of Lymphedema

1. Continuous swelling: The most direct thing is that the swelling will not go away and may become more and more serious.

2. Skin inflammation: The skin in the swollen area may become tighter and harder, and sometimes dermatitis or infection may occur.

3. Limited movement: Swelling may make movement inconvenient, such as difficulty in walking or lifting things.

4. Increased pain: As time passes, you may feel pain or discomfort in the swollen area.

5. Affects mood: Long-term swelling may affect mood and even lead to anxiety or depression.

Which department should I see for lymphedema?

If you suspect that you have lymphedema, you can see a vascular surgery or rehabilitation department. Sometimes, depending on the cause of lymphedema, assistance from a dermatologist or other related department may be required. But generally speaking, vascular surgery and rehabilitation are the preferred departments for treating lymphedema.

Lymphedema diagnostic department

1. Vascular surgery: Specializes in dealing with problems related to blood vessels and lymphatic system. Lymphedema is directly related to abnormalities or injuries of the lymphatic system, so doctors from vascular surgery are very familiar with this disease and can provide professional diagnosis and treatment suggestions.

2. Rehabilitation Department: Specializes in helping patients restore normal body functions. Because lymphedema may cause limited mobility in the swollen area, a physical therapy practitioner can provide physical therapy, such as lymphatic drainage massage, to help reduce swelling and improve mobility.

There are three main treatment methods for lymphedema, such as lymphatic drainage massage, wearing pressure garments, and rehabilitation therapy. These three methods usually need to be carried out under the guidance of professional medical personnel to ensure safety and effectiveness.

How is lymphedema treated?

There are three main treatment methods for lymphedema, such as lymphatic drainage massage, wearing pressure garments, and rehabilitation therapy. These three methods usually need to be carried out under the guidance of professional medical personnel to ensure safety and effectiveness.

3 ways to treat lymphedema

1. Lymphatic drainage massage: Helps the flow of lymph fluid and reduces the accumulation of fluid in certain parts of the body. A professional therapist will use specific techniques to gently push lymph fluid from the swollen area to help it return to normal circulation in the body. This method can reduce swelling and reduce discomfort.

2. Wear a compression garment: This is a very common part of lymphedema treatment. Compression garments can help control swelling and prevent fluid from accumulating in the affected area. This method requires proper wearing techniques to ensure it is effective and comfortable.

3. Rehabilitation exercise: Appropriate exercise can help promote lymph flow. A professional rehabilitation physician or therapist will instruct patients in specific exercises designed to increase muscle strength and flexibility in the affected area while also aiding lymph flow.

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How to do lymphedema massage?

Lymphedema massage is a specialized technique designed to help lymph fluid flow and reduce swelling. Some basic lymphatic massage can also be performed at home, but it’s best to be guided by a professional therapist first to ensure correctness and safety.

Lymphedema massage steps

1. Gentle Pressure: Lymphatic massage requires very gentle pressure because the lymphatic channels are located very shallowly under the skin.

2. Start from the area close to the heart: Lymph fluid flows to the heart, so the massage should start from the area closer to the heart, such as the abdomen first.

3. Massage along the lymphatic flow: Gently push the skin along the lymphatic flow, and massage from the swollen area toward the heart.

4. Repeated and regular movements: Gently repeat the massage movements, each movement lasting a few seconds.

5. Pay attention to safety and comfort: If you feel pain or discomfort, stop immediately. Be particularly careful in affected areas of swelling.

How to improve lymphedema diet?

The improvement of lymphedema in diet is mainly to eat foods that can help reduce the accumulation of water in the body and promote lymph flow. The five recommended foods are listed below.

Beans, such as black beans and mung beans, are rich in protein and fiber, which help reduce water accumulation in the body. Beans also contain antioxidants that are beneficial to your overall health.

Food to improve lymphedema

1. Beans: Beans such as black beans and mung beans are rich in protein and fiber and help reduce water accumulation in the body. Beans also contain antioxidants that are beneficial to your overall health.

2. Whole grains: Whole grain foods, such as brown rice and oats, are rich in B vitamins and fiber, which help maintain good digestive system function and reduce edema.

3. Fruit: Certain fruits, such as pineapples and apples, contain natural anti-inflammatory ingredients and fiber, which can help reduce water accumulation in the body.

4. Dark green vegetables: Dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamin C and iron. These nutrients help improve blood circulation and promote lymph flow.

5. Nuts and seeds: For example, walnuts and flaxseeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in the body and can also help improve lymphedema.

Summary and suggestions

Dr. Wang Junping from the Rehabilitation Department said that lymphedema is when a certain part of the body swells due to poor flow of lymph fluid. It may be caused by damage or obstruction of the lymphatic system. Common symptoms include swelling, hardening of the skin, and discomfort. To improve this situation, you can eat more beans, whole grains, fruits, dark green vegetables, and nuts and seeds rich in Omega-3 in your diet, which can help reduce edema. In terms of treatment, lymphatic drainage massage, wearing compression garments and moderate exercise are all good options. But when you encounter the problem of lymphedema, it is best to go to a doctor to confirm the cause and treatment.

Physicians Alliance Health Notes: What to do about lymphedema?Symptoms, causes, diet, treatment

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Source: Chinese Health Network
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2024-02-12 23:00:00

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