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Lung cancer is still the deadliest cancer

SNEEK – November is “lung cancer month”. This month, the Lung Cancer Netherlands patient organization calls for more attention to this disease, which kills 10,000 people every year. This makes it the deadliest type of cancer. “Lung cancer is often discovered late, while it is so important to catch it early. That’s why we want to raise awareness of lung cancer symptoms. Because anyone with lungs can get lung cancer. Screening and early diagnosis of the disease are therefore essential ”. said Lidia Barberio, director of Lung Cancer Netherlands.

14,000 Patients a Year Every year, nearly 14,000 people are told they have lung cancer. Often the disease is already in an advanced stage, because only then complaints arise. This makes lung cancer the form of cancer that kills most people in the Netherlands – 10,000 per year.

“Most everyone now knows that lung cancer is common in people who have smoked a lot for a long time and who have recently quit. Much less well known, but very important to know, is that lung cancer certainly doesn’t just affect drug addicts. Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer ”. says Lidia Barberio. She is the director of Lung Cancer Netherlands, the patient organization for all those involved in lung cancer: patients, relatives and relatives.

Be careful, you recognize lung cancer

Being attentive to complaints is of great importance. Lung Cancer Netherlands’ advice is therefore to make an appointment with your GP if someone has been coughing for more than nine weeks, coughing up blood, running out of breath, constantly tired and / or losing a lot of weight unexpectedly. “Don’t put it off, because lung cancer can never be detected early enough. The earlier you are there, the greater the chances of a longer quality life. high Lydia Barberio

Early detection

Early diagnosis is therefore of great importance. Periodic checks can play an important role in this. This is not yet happening in the Netherlands; However, a European study of 400,000 people over 60 who smoked was launched this year. The goal is to investigate whether there is a group where a CT scan to detect lung cancer in a particular group might be done once every two years instead of once a year, which is already known to be useful in the group. high risk. people who have smoked for a long time and a long time). Lung Cancer The Netherlands hopes the Minister of Health will quickly introduce population screening for lung cancer. “We recently learned that the Minister of Health will seek advice from the Health Council, which is a good start.”

White scarf

The white ribbon is a symbol of awareness for lung cancer. This symbol is at the center of the campaign throughout November Anyone with lungs can have lung cancer. During the month of lung cancer, a number of ambassadors are photographed with an extra large “ribbon” in the shape of a white knitted scarf that is folded like the white ribbon. “We ask everyone to post a photo of themselves wearing a white scarf on social media in November and show that they help raise awareness of this disease. And obviously to show solidarity with patients “.

More information

For more information, go to www.longkankernederland.nl/herkenlongkanker.

Here you will find facts and figures, more information for early lung cancer detection, and stories from patients and doctors.

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