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Lunar soil can be turned into air and fuel for lunar astronauts

Since the landing of the first moon in 1969, the formation of lunar colonies has been a long -standing goal. Anyway, the moon to the water We can use underground cave We can inhabit, and now, it seems, local methods of producing a constant source of usable energy. With NASA’s upcoming Artemis project aimed at returning humans to satellites, it’s more important than ever to research and invest in resources for a long-term stay on the moon.

Fortunately, scientists in China may have found something that can help. on A new study published Thursday in magazines jouleResearchers have discovered that chemical compounds found in lunar soil are capable of converting carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and hydrocarbons such as methane that can be used as fuel. The team says that these chemical compounds can act as catalysts – substances that speed up chemical reactions – to form space photosynthesis systems. This means that lunar soil can be used in conjunction with sunlight to support colony life on the moon in the long term.

It comes down to the big challenge that stands in the way of sustainable life beyond Earth: resources. You can only bring a lot of breathable air, usable water, and fuel for space missions. While scientists are developing technologies that allow astronauts to harness the planet’s resources, these technologies still require things from home. For example, NASA’s Perseverance rover brings Device named MOXIE It can convert Martian carbon dioxide into oxygen long enough to keep astronauts healthy for 10 minutes. However, MOXIE still relies on electric power from a battery made of ground on board.

So, it is important to be like the Swiss Robinsons and live to the fullest of the resources that the moon can provide. In the new study, researchers found that this was made possible through iron, magnesium, and titanium-rich materials found in lunar soil. They found that this substance – together with ultraviolet light – was able to remove carbon dioxide and oxygen from the water. The catalyst also produces small amounts of hydrogen gas, methane, and methanol. Each of these elements and chemicals can be used to produce the fuel and other materials needed for long-term colonization of the Moon.

“We use on-site environmental resources to reduce missile payloads, and our strategy provides a scenario for a sustainable and affordable extraterrestrial environment,” Yingfang Yao, an engineer at Nanjing University and lead author of the study, said. He said in a press release.

Although the catalysts are not as effective as those in the field, Yao and his team are working to improve their design. They envision a future where lunar life support systems and fuel combine the power of lunar soil with sunlight, abundant in spades. Space photosynthesis systems could provide a continuous supply of oxygen as well as spacecraft fuel or rocket propellant.

“In the near future, we will see the manned spaceflight industry develop rapidly,” said Yao. “Just like the ‘sailing age’ in the seventeenth century when hundreds of ships sailed into the sea, we are about to enter the ‘space age’. But if we want to do massive exploration of the outer world, we need to think of ways to reduce payload, which means relying on getting as few supplies as possible from Earth and using outer space resources instead.”

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