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“Louis Jouvet’s voice still resonates in my memory”

In “Les Amis Imaginaires”, Gérard Miller immerses us in the intimacy and memory of his famous guests through the heroes of their childhood, the real or invented characters who served as their models or confidants… He inaugurates his series of interviews on France 3 Paris Île-de-France with the star of the small screen who has just celebrated his eighty birthday: Michel Drucker.

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After nearly sixty years of television, Michel Drucker, the unstoppable headliner of Can’t wait for Sundaysurprised by his return to television in early 2021 after being hospitalized for major heart surgery. The one who now officiates on France 3 for his unmissable Sunday meeting is in turn invited to Gérard Miller’s black armchair Monday, December 19 at 6:40 p.m. Imaginary Friends on France 3 Paris Ile-de-France.

En 1952, Michel Drucker only ten years old and lives with his father, his mother and his two brothers in Normandy, place de la Gare in Vire, in Calvados. Originally from Austria and Northern Bucovina (historic region located in Romania since 1918, then currently in Ukraine since the Second World War), his parents suffered Nazi repression. His father, Abraham Drucker is deported and his wife, then pregnant with Michel, is saved by a certain Pierre Le Lay, father of Patrick Le Lay, during a Gestapo check.

That year he saw his “first viewer shock“. In front of the television set dealer in Vire, he follows the coronation of Queen Elisabeth II with commentary by Jacques Salbertthe first correspondent of French Radio-Television in London.

“[Le couronnement] marked me so much that sixty years later, on stage, I pay homage to him. He is someone who has fascinated me and who has fascinated the world. If I have one regret, it’s not having received it on my sofa”.

Michael Drucker

in “Les Amis Imaginaires” on France 3

Guest on the set of the show It’s up to you on France 5 last October, the host had not failed to be ironic about the disappearance of the monarch. “I feel very sad since she is no longer there Elizabeth II. I feel a bit alone. It’s true that on social networks, when I’m Queen of England, it amuses me a lot”.

While an imaginary friend usually appears around the age of three to seven according to psychoanalyst Inge Seiffge-Krenkeit was at the age of ten that little Michel identified his first imaginary friend: doctor knockplayed by French comedian Louis Jouvet in the film of the same name directed by Guy Lefranc in 1951.”Jouvet marked my childhood, his voice still echoes in my memory and he was my father’s favorite actor. He was fascinated by Jouvet” he confides.

“Jouvet is still part of my life today. His voice, this stamp of voice, this rigor. And Knock is the doctor Knock… My father being a general practitioner in Lower Normandy, Knock was his film” .

Michael Drucker

in “Les Amis Imaginaires” on France 3

It was then at the age of 18 that he boarded the Paris-Granville train for a new life after ” years of dunce life ». Michel Drucker then entered the salon des français for the first time in 1965, when presented by Roger Couderc. The essential host of French television that we know so well was only a young sports commentator for sports sunday on the first ORTF channel. He was then 23 years old.

The following year, singer and television producer Michèle Arnaud entrusted him with the reins of a new variety show for young people, for the first time. This will prove to be a success for the young animator who will therefore begin to expand his address book.

From the 1970s, Michel Drucker became the flagship presenter of entertainment and variety shows. He hosts the shows Sunday meetings et Stars on TF1, then Champs-Elysees from 1982 on Antenne 2, which make it more popular every day. From 1982 to 1990, hosting the hit show Champs-Elysees brings him closer to many stars of the 1980s accustomed to their time on the show, such as Sylvie Vartan, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Serge Gainsbourg, Renaud, Coluche, Gérard Depardieu or even Michel Berger.

After having taken over the Sunday afternoon segment from the host Jacques Martin, he hosted from 1998 the program Can’t wait for Sunday on France 2, and this, without interruption until 2016. The 600th emission is diffused on November 24, 2013. In 2014, it is crowned “most emblematic personality of the PAF since 1950” in front of Léon Zitrone and Jacques Martin in a study carried out by the Opinion Way institute for the newspaper Le Figaro. One March 2021, Can’t wait for Sunday is finally back with Michel Drucker after six months of absence.

The host of Can’t wait for SundayFrance 3 version since September, already assured him during his farewell to France 2 last June at the microphone of Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt on France Infoit is on public service that he will one day end his career: “This is my house, I spent more than 50 years there. I will never leave him.”

Imaginary Friendsto discover every evening unpublished at 6.40 p.m. on France 3 Paris Ile-de-France et on the france.tv platformfrom December 19.

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