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Long Live the Resistance: The Continuing Struggle Against Military Junta in Naypyidaw – Myanmar


Long live the resistance! Long live the match! Such is the slogan of the struggle that continues to ring from the past to the present. At Myanmarthe civilians fought back Military Junta via online gym (game online).

Reported by the BBC, Monday (4/9/2023), the military coup against the government of the country formerly known as Burma took place in February 2021.

Until now, the bloody political conflict has not ended yet. More than 4,000 people have died at the hands of the military since then, according to monitoring group the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners. The United Nations said the death toll was “possibly much higher”.

Measuring the number of military casualties is difficult because the military admits there were victims, but does not provide an exact figure.

The National Unity government – Myanmar’s civilian government that was overthrown by the military – says the insurgency has killed 20,000 soldiers, but the BBC has not been able to verify that figure.

Across the military camp, there is a group called PDF or People’s Democratic Front, the Indonesian language for which is the People’s Defense Forces. There are residents who make a game about the war PDF vs Myanmar Military Junta.

Next up, the game of resistance:


2023-09-04 14:32:14
#Citizens #Myanmar #Junta #Online #Games #Means

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