Home » today » News » Local residents oppose event site plan in Tolhuispark parking lot for Dokk’em Open Air festival

Local residents oppose event site plan in Tolhuispark parking lot for Dokk’em Open Air festival

wo 17 mei 2023 22.35 uur

DOKKUM – Local residents of the Tolhuispark made it clear on Wednesday evening that they are against the arrival of an event site at the P1 car park in the Tolhuispark. Eight people spoke at the council meeting.

It is a plan that comes from alderman Aant Jelle Soepboer of the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân. He personally informed the neighborhood in a meeting on January 24. Soepboer is happy that (mainly) Dokk’em Open Air will be held in the parking lot. Soepboer’s ‘double role’ was not discussed this evening. He himself is a ‘die-hard’ metal fan and was previously on stage at the metal festival with his metal band Baldrs Draumar.

Plan suddenly turned into pilot

Initially the normal procedure would be followed, but suddenly the whole plan was turned into a ‘pilot’ to be held in 2024, 2025 and 2026. According to Soepboer, it will then be possible to monitor how things are going with, among other things, noise pollution.

A research agency engaged by the municipality came to the conclusion that P1 is ideal, partly because of the paved surface and the site has sufficient escape routes. A festival with a maximum of 4590 people could be held on the site.

Rules changed

Mr. De Boer from Dokkum regretted the course of events. As local residents, they were not informed until January. The neighborhood was never asked to think along and because of this working method, the neighborhood was excluded, in his eyes. He was also shocked that the municipality suddenly converted the plan into a ‘pilot’. “We wurde ural bûten hâlden” said De Boer. Especially since the plans date back to 2015.

Offside set

Mrs. Hamstra, chairman of the Jantjeszeepolder District Council, was the second speaker. She said that she is aware of the fact that she represents all local residents and that opinions are divided, but that the opposition is louder than that of the proponents. She mentioned a sentence in the letter from the municipality: “Contrary to previous messages, the council does not have to make a decision afterwards. The subject will therefore not be placed on the agenda for the council meeting.”

Hamstra knows that these sentences went down the wrong way with many people. “Wy binne as bewenners and wykrie yn ien kear bûten stuff set, that’s just chic” Hamstra wants everyone to be involved in the plans so that everyone receives the information at the same time.

Erik de Vries spoke on behalf of the sports associations located at the Tolhuispark. “It is wichtich foar ús to kin ús miening uterje, that you in good conscience mar ús miening just counts, the cart is already tame, ha wy krekt already heard.” The sports associations no longer have any influence on it, while the events can have a major influence on the sports associations in the coming years. “That you felt good…”

De Vries also thinks that the outcome of the pilot – in three years’ time – is already established. He hopes that the municipality can start again in smaller steps together with all sports associations and other stakeholders.

Negative image for Dokk’em Open Air

Mr. Visser stated that he was not in favor or against. He thinks Dokk’em Open Air is a great event and is afraid that the festival will get a negative image because of all the commotion. As a sound engineer, he made mincemeat of the research that states that the sound remains within the standards when the stage and sound are away from the buildings.

Find better place

“The stage can often face south southwest, but the chance that the wind is also south southwest for three days is nil. And the chance that the wind is facing the buildings is completely greater with distance.” Visser thinks that the municipality should start looking for a good place in the vicinity of Dokkum. In his opinion, the noise problem that can arise needs to be looked at better.

Practice test is already bad

De Vries suggests conducting a practical test to see how things work out with the sound, because practice often turns out worse than in theory. He has already taken a measurement himself. “I pick up in wynleaze dei al in lûdset delsetten on ‘t slice wêr’t it poadium comes on the loudness” At the first facade of the house on the Zonnedauw, De Vries was already able to measure a higher decibel value than the model prescribes.

In addition to the noise, local resident Wim Slagter is also concerned about parking. “If you offer an event site, also provide associated parking facilities and don’t saddle a neighborhood with the consequences.” The construction of a road (for emergency services) to the carpool area also worries him.

Big surprise

Mr Streekstra found it striking that someone from Dokk’em Open Air was also present during the information evening in January and that the city council was not yet aware of the plans. They would still have to give their approval and the council would deal with the plan.

“We were still waiting when, to our great surprise, a press release was sent by the municipality on April 26 and it was casually stated that both the city council and local residents no longer had a say in the event site issue…”

No party

Diane Wagenaar thinks the plan goes beyond her limits. She is not against a party, but she feels ‘outside’. “It just pours into a party of more than one musical event with moderate to large ympakt.” As a resident of this municipality, she would like to talk to the municipality.

Mr. Buwalda was surprised that he was immediately presented with a complete presentation during the information evening, in which Dokk’em Open Air already indicated that they might organize the festival in 2024. The local residents collected 440 signatures and before they had visited all the political parties, the municipality had changed the plan into a pilot. “The fact that Concours Hippique itself didn’t even know it says something about how fleetingly this decision was taken…”

Buwalda hopes common sense will prevail and the pilot will be reversed. After the speakers, it was the turn of the councillors.

Christian Union

Council member Dirk Van der Meulen thinks that the municipality has certainly left something behind. Van der Meulen wants to know from alderman Soepboer how the residents were included in the pilot. “My impression is that that ûnfoldoende wie…..”


Council member Digna Ferwerda-Havenga is not against an event site, but she is surprised at the way things are going. “How did it all come about?”


Council member Bouwina van Dellen agrees that there will be a pilot first so that local residents can express their opinion. Van Dellen wants to advise the alderman to involve all parties in the pilot.


Council member Siebe Jan Vogelzang wants to know how the alderman intends to implement an old motion when it is completely inconsistent with what is now on the table.

Labor Party

Council member Johan Lammering thinks that alderman Soepboer must be impressed by what he heard this evening. Lammering is particularly concerned about nature and is concerned about the children’s farm in the area.


Council member Dirk Kooistra wanted to know how the council sees the participation process, while the municipality always wants to be close to the ‘mienskip’. Kooistra also wanted to know whether the pilot would be stopped if things did not go well.


Council member Jesse Nutma wanted to know what the evaluation will look like and whether there will be an ecological study because there are concerns about nature. Nutma also wants to see whether extra efforts are made to ensure enforcement during events. He also wants to know how the Board views the working method of the past six months.

Soup Farmer

Responsible alderman Soepboer had the last word to answer the questions. Soepboer thinks that communication with the neighborhood has not been ‘optimal’. Soepboer promises that he will try to improve that.

During the pilot, he wants to evaluate how things are going every year with local residents and stakeholders. It mainly concerns Dokk’em Open Air and possibly Concours Hippique. After three years, the city council decides whether there will be an event site definitively. Soepboer thinks that three years is a good time to also make sound measurements for a balanced picture.

The fact that a pilot was suddenly launched was, according to Soepboer, part of the plan so that the council actually receives a good proposal for an event site (in three years’ time). Councilor Dirk Van der Meulen really didn’t understand that. Alderman Soepboer had clearly said last year that a council proposal would be made and now, according to him, the council has also been ‘sidelined’.

According to Soepboer, Van der Meulen complimented him on ‘taking on his role’ and that the council is the highest body. Soepboer thinks that the pilot can provide the correct data to come up with a good proposal in three years’ time. Soepboer thinks that the council can also debate, but the council must then know what they want. Van der Meulen bounced back that he would like to receive a council proposal from the council.

2023-05-17 20:35:00

#Soepboer #Dokkem #Open #Air #neighborhood #firmly

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