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Local Resident to Open New Pharmacy in Satu Mare Municipality Despite Market Saturation

A resident of Satu Mare is about to open a new pharmacy in the municipality of Satu Mare. He is aware that there are too many anyway, but he thinks that it can be a good deal for him considering that the villagers are queuing up in all the pharmacies and that he has enough medicine left after the cold he just got over.

It all started before Christmas when the 43-year-old from Satmare went to the family doctor with a stuffy nose. After staying in the waiting room for 2 hours, although he had an appointment, the man was consulted, and then received the verdict. For the cold, he received a list of several lists of medicines, some compensated, others supplements and probiotics, respectively for other pains and discomforts that may arise.

I just didn’t have anywhere to store the medicine, the fridge was already full after the late November cough. After I got over my cold, I came up with the idea of ​​opening a pharmacy“, Dorin Tusărea tells us.

The villager also sent us some of the medicine he received from the family doctor for the cold in December. He also explained what the medicines are for:

  • antibiotic MegaForce XR-5000: to remove bacteria from the nose.
  • probiotic SuperFlora Maxima: To rebuild your entire intestinal ecosystem after a slight cold.
  • vitamina C SuperBoost: to turn your immune system into a superhero.
  • analgezic MegaRelief XL: to anesthetize even the memories of your cold.
  • Incredible antiinflammatory: to fight inflammation that could make you look like an immune balloon.
  • antidiareic StopFlood Rapid: to put a lock on any emergency exit in the body.
  • MuscleMender 3000: to banish back pain and turn the spine into a string of pearls.
  • Lozenges UltraSoothEase: to turn your neck into a smooth and comfortable playground.
  • expectorant SuperFlow: to facilitate the expulsion of all microbes that have decided to make a nest in the lungs.
  • sleeping pill Quiet Night: to make sure your sleep is so deep that even a cold thinks twice before attacking you again.
  • FeverGuard antipyretic: to fight the fever and make the thermometer feel useless.
  • anti-stress ChillPill: because no one wants to be stressed during a cold.
  • laxativ SoftFlow Relax: to counteract any cold-induced constipation and give you a sense of general relief.
  • spray OtoSilence: a revolutionary ear spray to block out any annoying noise from your cold so you can focus on healing.
  • antiemetic VomitNoMore: because colds should not lead to unexpected episodes of nausea and vomiting.
  • EnergiaMaxima incentive: to restore your lost energy and make you feel like a superhero after a fight with a cold.
  • anti-allergic ClearBreeze: to eliminate any stuffy nose and allow for a clear and clean airflow.
  • antispastic CalmWave: to prevent any involuntary muscle contraction as your body needs to relax during the cold.
  • revigorant MindClear: to keep your mind clear and focused despite nasal congestion and headaches.
  • SuperHydrate moisturizer: to make sure your body gets enough fluid to speed up the healing process and keep your skin soft.

(The above text is a pamphlet and should be treated as such)

2024-01-22 18:45:00
#villager #opens #pharmacy #medicine #left #cold #sports

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