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list of 128 municipalities with new cases

A total of 128 Valencian municipalities have had new cases of coronavirus during the last week, and two of them have exceeded one hundred new cases: Valencia, with 207, and Elche, with 117, according to the disaggregated data published by the Generalitat. Since last Friday, 128 municipalities have had new cases, although only 99 of them have registered cases between the last two updates (which show data from Monday and Thursday).

In total, in a week 894 cases have been counted and assigned to the Valencian municipalities, 483 of them in the last three days. 18 municipalities have had more than 10 cases in these seven days, and eight of them in the last three days.

Valencia It is still the municipality with the highest incidence: with 207 new cases (111 between Monday and Thursday) it exceeds 2,500 positives for coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic to 2,585.

The second municipality with the most cases is Elche, where an acceleration in the number of infections is observed in the last three days. Specifically, they have recorded 117 positives, 76 of which between Monday and Thursday.

The situation in Gandia and Peñíscola, the following municipalities with the highest incidence this week, is different. The capital of Safor has added 51 cases in the last week, but less than half (23) are from the last three days. In Peñíscola, the difference is more pronounced: of the 33 new positives, only three have occurred between Monday and Thursday.

These types of fluctuations are observed in many municipalities. For example, Alicante or Sueca count most of their positives in the last three days. The Alicante capital has registered 20 of its 25 positives in the last week between Monday and Thursday, and it is the largest increase since the end of May. In Sueca, 12 of its 13 infections in the last seven days have occurred in the last three.

In the opposite situation is l’Eliana, with 17 new positives in one week, but only four in the last three days. Also Nules or Sant Joan d’Alacant, for example, who have had four cases, and all were detected during the weekend.

Cases in the last three days and the last week

The data of the Generalitat they allow to see the evolution by municipalities over different periods of time. Specifically, during the last three days, 99 municipalities have had cases; 128 during the last week and 148 during the last two weeks.

Specifically, during the last three days, 99 municipalities have had cases of coronavirus; 128 during the last week and 148 during the last two weeks.

Between Monday and Thursday, the municipalities that have added the most cases have been València (111), Elche (76), Gandia (23), Alicante (20), Orihuela, Sueca, Torrevieja and Vinaròs (12); Burjassot and Santa Pola (9), Elda and Manises (8), Alcoi and Orpesa (7), Almoradí and Morella (6) and Benicarló and Benidorm (5).

In Alfàs del Pi, Eliana, Vila Joiosa, Torrent and Vila-real there have been four cases, while in Algemesí, Benigànim, Benirredrà, Burriana, Canals, Catral, La Pobla de Farnals, Meliana, Mislata, Paiporta, Peñíscola, Sagunto and Xirivella have had three.

Two cases have been recorded in Albaida, Algorfa, Alzira, Benifaió, Carcaixent, Castellón de la Plana, Crevillent, Cullera, Favara, Moixent, Moncada, Novelda, Oliva, Paterna, Puçol, Rojales, Simat de la Valldigna and Xàtiva, and one only case in Alaquàs, Alboraia, Alcàntera de Júcar, Alcàsser, Aldaia, Almàssera, Altea, Benejúzar, Benicàssim, Benlloc, Bétera, Callosa de Segura, Chiva, Daya Nueva, Dénia, Godella, Granja de Rocamora, Guadassuar, l’Alcúdia, the Font d’En Carròs, the Font de la Figuera, the Pobla Llarga, the Vall d’Uixó, Llíria, Massanassa, Monforte del Cid, Museros, Mutxamel, Onil, Ontinyent, Petrer, Picanya, Rafal, Sax, Silla, Sot de Ferrer, Tavernes de la Valldigna, Torreblanca, Utiel, Vall d’Alba, Vallada, Vilafranca, Vilamarxant, Villanueva de Castellón and Villena.

It should be noted that, due to the reassignments of cases, there are three municipalities that have subtracted infections from their totals: Quartell and Aspe have one less and Rótova, three less.

If we add the weekend data, during the last week there have been new cases València (207), Elche (117), Gandia (51), Peñíscola (33), Alicante (25), Burjassot (22), Torrevieja ( 18), l’Eliana and Manises (17), Elda, Orihuela and Vinaròs (16), Benicarló (15), Sueca (13), Benidorm and Santa Pola (12) and Almoradí and Xirivella (11).

With less than ten cases, Alcoy and Torrent have added nine; Canals, Oliva and Oropesa, eight; Alboraia, Morella and Rótova, six; Albaida, Chiva and Rojales, five; Alaquàs, Aldaia, Burriana, Castellón de la Plana, Alfàs del Pi, Vila Joiosa, Mislata, Monforte del Cid, Museros, Nules, Paiporta, Paterna and Sant Joan d’Alacant, four.

Three positives have been in Albatera, Algemesí, Algorfa, Benicàssim, Benigànim, Benirredrà, Bétera, Buñol, Catral, La Pobla de Farnals, Meliana, Novelda, Sagunto, Torreblanca and Xàtiva and two in Alcàntera de Júcar, Almàssera, Alzira, Aspe, Bellreguard, Benifaió, Canet d’en Berenguer, Carcaixent, Crevillent, Cullera, Dénia, Favara, Godella, l’Alcora, l’Olleria, Moixent, Moncada, Náquera, Ontinyent, Puçol, Sax, Simat de la Valldigna, Vila-real and Vilafranca.

Ademuz, Agost, Aigües, Alcàsser, Alfafar, Altea, Benejúzar, Benlloc, Betxí, Callosa de Segura, Carlet, Cheste, Daya Nueva, el Real de Gandia, Eslida, Granja de Rocamora, Guadassuar, l’Alcúdia, la Font d ‘ In Carròs, the Font de la Figuera, the Pobla de Vallbona, the Pobla Llarga, the Vall d’Uixó, Llíria, Massanassa, Moncofa, Montaverner, Mutxamel, Onda, Onil, Pedralba, Petrer, Picanya, Rafal, Rafelbunyol, Riba- roja de Túria, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Silla, Sot de Ferrer, Tavernes Blanques, Tavernes de la Valldigna, Utiel, Vall d’Alba, Vallada, Vilamarxant, Villanueva de Castellón and Villena have accounted for one case.

Valencia City Council, where there have been more cases of coronavirus

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