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Liam Neeson Critically Examines the Expanding Star Wars Universe

Find out why this Star Wars celebrity bluntly criticizes series derived from the intergalactic universe – A controversial statement!

Liam Neeson shares his thoughts on the Star Wars universe

Known for his role as Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars, Episode I – The Phantom Menace, actor Liam Neeson did not hesitate to express his strong point of view on the recent evolution of the universe created by George Lucas. Obi-Wan Kenobi’s mentor didn’t mince words when sharing his thoughts.

An overextended Star Wars universe?

Liam Neeson has expressed concern about the proliferation of Star Wars spin-off series in recent years. He believes that this proliferation, as well as the extension of the cinematic universe with the famous postologycreated a sort of “worship“, in his words. He shared this opinion during the Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend podcast.

The actor criticizes the postlogy and spin-off projects

The actor added during the same online broadcast: “There are so many films, derivative projects, that I have the impression that it drowns out the whole. And, in a way, it detracts from the mystery and the magic.“He specifically criticized the postology (episodes 7, 8, 9), the independent film Rogue One and the many series (Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Andoretc.) released in just a few years.

A review that raises questions

This criticism, although sincere, raises questions. Indeed, Liam Neeson seems to forget that he himself contributed to the extension of the universe of Star Wars reprising his role as Qui-Gon. He notably made a vocal appearance in L’Ascension de Skywalkerthe third installment of the postology and ninth installment of the canon saga. He also made a brief appearance in the spin-off miniseries Obi-Wan Kenobi. We can therefore wonder if the actor has a short memory or if he shows some bad faith. Anyway, this review could be the first step towards the Dark Side of the Force!

2023-09-06 11:55:15
#Star #Wars #star #harshly #criticizes #derivative #series

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