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“Li Liqun Affirms Love for Motherland to Clear Up Wife’s Discreditation” – Hush!star News

photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/03/24/0/20803293.jpg&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&exp=3600" title="李立群和太太林麗欽結婚多年。(取材自微博)" layout="responsive" width="1279" height="1748"/>
Li Liqun and his wife Lin Liqin have been married for many years. (taken from Weibo)

Li Liqun used to live in Shanghai, and returned to Taiwan to “retire” in July last year. Recently, he often opens Douyin live broadcasts to chat with fans, and often shares sweet interactions with his wife who is 9 years younger. Yesterday (23rd) he suddenly and rarely spoke out on Weibo for his wife, refuting the online rumors about Sima Nan’s oolong.

After Li Liqun returned to Taiwan last year, he often shared his daily life on Douyin. He also exposed the scene of dining with his wife. Recently, some netizens found that Li Liqun didn’t seem to see his wife beside him when he was eating. In this regard, he explained that because his wife has diabetes, he sometimes eats different foods and eats them separately.

In the past, when Li Liqun returned to Taiwan for an interview, he once said that he would “stick to Taiwan” and attracted many netizens from mainland China to bombard him. Sima Nan, a journalist at the time, also criticized this. Recently, a piece of Li Liqun’s wife complaining about Sima Nan has been circulated on the Internet, which even mentioned: “Attack my husband again, and expose your black history abroad.” Last night, Li Liqun hurriedly spoke out for his wife on Weibo: “Oh! Of course it’s a rumor. My wife never reads Weibo or Douyin or any social media. She has never sent a message in her life. Rumors stop with the wise!”

In addition, Li Liqun also mentioned on Weibo: “I haven’t used Weibo for a long time, and I don’t know how to post it all of a sudden, so I just post something! I love the motherland, especially the soul like Teacher Xiao Cui. A An incomplete interview, plus misinterpretations. I don’t know how to explain it. To put it bluntly, it is: I hope that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will reunify as soon as possible, and don’t fight. It’s not worth it. I won’t explain it anymore. Thank you everyone.” Responding to a netizen in the message area: “I said stick to Taiwan, not that I want to go to the battlefield, I can’t even lift a stick, what I said is that I will not go abroad with money at a critical time, I stick to my hometown and bury it in the soil of my hometown .Alas! This time I have said more fully.”

photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/03/24/0/20803347.jfif&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&exp=3600" title="李立群回台後鮮少用微博,23日突然再度登入微博澄清烏龍傳聞。 圖/截自微博" layout="responsive" width="925" height="1335"/>
Li Liqun seldom used Weibo after returning to Taiwan. On the 23rd, he suddenly logged on to Weibo again to clarify the oolong rumors.Figure / Screenshot from Weibo
photo.php?u=https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2023/03/24/0/20803346.jfif&x=0&y=0&sw=0&sh=0&exp=3600" title="李立群回台後鮮少用微博,23日突然再度登入微博澄清烏龍傳聞。 圖/截自微博" layout="responsive" width="967" height="1227"/>
Li Liqun seldom used Weibo after returning to Taiwan. On the 23rd, he suddenly logged on to Weibo again to clarify the oolong rumors.Figure / Screenshot from Weibo

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