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All of us, the residents of Ioannina and not only, must hope every time that the aesthetic woods of our area do not catch fire.

If that happens woe betide us and I mean it.

Because we all understand and understand the importance of these things in the life of the city.

It is her breath, it is her oxygen.

Without breath and oxygen life is lost.

Patrols good but…

Good and holy are the patrols of volunteers and fire departments.

And so far they have paid off.

And we always hope they deliver.

However, at the same time we know that this measure is not the best.

We know that while prevention and timely information are good, immediate firefighting intervention is best of all.

And when we say immediate, we mean immediate.

In the mid-80s

From the mid-1980s I still remember that there were discussions after discussions in the county council.

With Vassilis Brakatsoula as prefect then.

And in one of the discussions a fire extinguishing system used by the Israelis was presented which had proven to be effective.

Practically minded Jews found a simple system of protecting what little groves they had.

The logic of firefighting

What was the logic of this system?

You develop a water network with many sensors (its number will be determined after study) and many spray outlets.

The sensors in the event of a fire will activate the sprinklers which will throw water not only in the area of ​​the fire but also at a distance from its center to create a wet barrier to its spread.

I don’t know if I described it to you clearly but that was the logic of the automatic fire extinguishing system in the forest.

You save time

Second basic and essential advantage is the time you gain at that moment from the occurrence of the fire until the intervention of the fire brigade.

Since the first eruptions will have already taken place.

The proposed self-fire extinguishing system seemed fine at the time to the prefectural council, but at the end of the day the proposal was rejected.

Because it had been deemed expensive….

So the prefectural council was limited to the installation of some fire hydrants which until then did not exist.

Negative comments

And of course, this decision was met with many negative comments from the local media and also from some bodies sensitive to the environment.

When the sensitivity and interest was real and not through funded NGOs.

I remember a scathing comment in my newspaper saying which of the two is more expensive. The burning of the thickets with the expected disasters of next winter’s floods or the purchase-installation of the system in question?

For it was certain that if the forest above the city burned with the first rains of winter the streets would be flooded with mud, felled trees, and the like.

Which today is held back by the existence of the forest.

There is still time

Since we have brought it back to our memory and are publishing it, is it time for the Municipality and Region to revisit this solution?

I don’t know of anything else to suggest beyond that.

The Municipality and Region should reconsider the possibility of covering the forest with an automatic fire extinguishing system.

I say now and if they want, let them examine it.

Jerky movements

The bill for the vote of expatriates has arrived in parliament.

And while one would expect a consensus from the systemic parties, what did we find?

SYRIZA to move in the boundaries of the extra-parliamentary parties.

He refused to vote for the bill and no one understood why.

No one understood his objections, his reservations.

It was a negative attitude of aerology and generality.

An example, another example that SYRIZA chooses the tactics of small extra-parliamentary parties.

It offers nothing

On the same side as SYRIZA and KKE.

Whose attitude is known.

Not at all.

Whatever a government submits, the attitude of the KKE is no to everything.

Without at the same time suggesting something specific.

Therefore his participation in the parliament only helps the party and their company

And obviously not the workers.

For whom today he does not present even some improvement proposals, waiting for when the sun will turn from the west, so that he will be in power and then he will solve everything.

But for the sun to turn, it takes a lot of work. And until then permanent denial is… negative.

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