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Let Me Solo Her: Elden Ring’s Community Hero Continues His Battle Against Malenia, But DLC May Change Everything

Let Me Solo Her, the Hero of Elden Ring’s Malenia Boss, Faces New Challenges in Upcoming DLC

An Unforgettable Journey

Two years ago, an extraordinary video game hero emerged, capturing the attention of gamers worldwide. Known as Let Me Solo Her (LMSH), this enigmatic figure has been a beacon of hope for Elden Ring players struggling against the punishing boss, Malenia. Today, still fervently fighting on behalf of the community, LMSH faces a new turning point with Elden Ring’s first major story DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree.

The Untiring Warrior

Our first encounter with LMSH dates back to April 2022, when his story first grasped our imagination. We recently reached out to him, and despite the passage of time, LMSH remains unwavering in his commitment to vanquishing Malenia, dedicating thousands of hours and countless triumphs against this scarlet rot-infested adversary. Last April, he tested his mettle by overcoming every enemy as Malenia using a custom mod, a monumental feat shared with our awe-struck audience.

The Arrival of Shadow of the Erdtree

However, as Shadow of the Erdtree’s anticipated release in June approaches, LMSH finds himself at a crossroads. His desire to explore this new DLC firsthand, along with the overwhelming excitement of FromSoftware’s previous DLCs, persuades him that overcoming Malenia may indeed draw to a close. LMSH, an enthusiast of the Soulslike genre, trusts game director Mr. Hidetaka Miyazaki to deliver another awe-inspiring masterpiece.

The Enigma of Messmer

Mesmerized by the new trailer, LMSH finds himself drawn to the mysterious red-headed character introduced at the end. Our exclusive interview with Mr. Miyazaki confirmed the villain’s identity as Messmer, an integral figure, equal to the other demi-gods and heirs of Marika. LMSH, noting the alleged difficulty and the potential familial connection between Messmer and Malenia, eagerly awaits the chance to challenge this enigmatic boss.

An Arsenal of Excitement

Excitement continues to build as LMSH closely examines the showcased items from the upcoming DLC; the mesmerizing armor sets, reminiscent of knights, pique his interest. Additionally, he finds himself drawn to the enthralling “throwing pot/jar that explodes,” a befitting choice of armament for our hero who conquered Malenia with nothing but a jar upon his head.

Unwavering Determination

There’s undeniable certainty that LMSH will dedicate himself entirely to the forthcoming challenge with Shadow of the Erdtree. As he embarks on this new adventure, he contemplates whether he will extend his offer to solo new bosses like Messmer, considering their potential difficulty. Embracing the challenge, he welcomes the growth of the community and hopes newcomers to the genre will relish the experience as he does, although he remains uncertain of the outcome.

A Bittersweet Farewell

After countless encounters and hours of thrilling battles, Let Me Solo Her finds himself at a precipice, ready to bid his epic battles against Malenia farewell. While fighting the fierce warrior has brought immense joy, LMSH admits, “I’ve had my fill of fighting Malenias lol.” We turn our gaze to the horizon, eagerly awaiting LMSH’s next chapter beyond the hallowed halls of Elden Ring.

This article was written by a senior reporter at a highly respected news website.

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