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Legislation in the sale of forest | Prague Business Journal

Has an inheritance fallen into your lap in the form of a forest stand that you don’t know how to deal with? So sell it. We even know who.

You don’t have time to sell, you don’t know the legislation, are you afraid that you won’t find a suitable buyer, or on the contrary, you will sell the forest below the price? None of these concerns need to add wrinkles to your forehead. All you have to do is contact the specialists employed in this case by Brodská lesní. She will arrange and procure everything for you.

Contact the professionals

Purchase of forest land as well as their subsequent sale, afforestation, extraction and purchase of wood is the specialization of the company Brodská lesní, which ranks number one in the trade in wood and forest land on the Czech market. He buys forest land mainly from private owners and always tries to reach a reasonable agreement and offer the highest possible price. What services does it offer?

What determines the price of the forest?

First of all, it will determine the price of the forest. Forest land prices determined on the basis of several parameters, such as area, location, accessibility, type of trees that grow on them, their quantity or state of health. The forest price calculator, which is available on the website, will calculate the specific figure for you www.vykuples.cz.

Complete services from A to Z

Here you fill out a simple form, on the basis of which Brodské lesní employees will find out exactly where the forest stand you are offering is located. They will secure a forest management book, visit the site personally, inspect it and finalize the price. If you agree with it, a contract can be concluded followed by a proposal for deposit in the cadastre. All these actions are carried out by the company, it will only be up to you to sign the contract.


For the wood extraction itself, the company uses modern technology, such as harvesters, haulers or tractors, which guarantee both its speed and a gentle approach to the forest stand. The harvested wood is then transported to individual sawmills. But the work for Brodská lesní is far from over. He continues to farm in the purchased forest. The felled vegetation will be reforested and regenerated.

It’s easy, isn’t it? And fast too! So if you have a forest or even forests for sale, I’m here with them!

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