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Lechia shows Egy Maulana’s beautiful goal past 3 players

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Lechia Gdańsk show off the action of Indonesian team players A Maulana Vikri when passing three players in a team training session, Saturday (27/3) in the morning WIB.

Lechia Gdansk uploaded several videos of tactical attack and defense training moments at the club Instastory.

Egy Maulana Vikri was one of the players uploaded to the Lechia Gdansk Instastory when the Indonesian national team player passed three defensive players and then scored a goal in team training.

Egy Maulana Vikri dribbled with his left foot, then did a body charge, and successfully passed three Lechia Gdansk defenders.

The three Lechia Gdansk defenders, who have a large posture, were unable to stop Egy Maulana Vikri’s agile movements.

The player who was born in Medan, June 7, 2000 managed to perform his individual action perfectly by ending a goal using his flagship left foot into the right corner of the goal. Goalkeeper Lechia Gdansk was made to die.


Egy Maulana Vikri’s action was also uploaded by the left-handed player on his personal Instagram Instastory.

However, Egy Maulana Vikri has so far been lacking minutes to play with Lechia Gdansk.

The Indonesian national team striker only played 62 minutes of five matches in the Polish Premier League for the 2020/2021 season.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


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