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Lauri Laats: Estonia 200 and sotsi, why do you let the Reform Party annoy the teachers?

The striking teachers who gather again today for a demonstration at Toompea Castle illustrate the impasse the government coalition has reached, and the vote of no confidence in Kaja Kallas is becoming more and more real every day, but the clinging of Estonia 200 and the socialists to today’s prime minister clearly shows that they are not ready to take serious steps to end the teachers’ strike. said Lauri Laats, vice-chairman of the Estonian Center Party.

“The proverb “The mouth makes a big city, the hand doesn’t make a fly’s nest” is a good way to describe the activities of the Estonian 200 and the socialists. It is just like pennies flapping behind the fence, who avoid real contact when the opportunity opens,” compared the member of the Center Party faction of the Riigikogu Lauri Laats. “Estonia 200 and the Socialists and the deputies who have recently joined them, who have repeatedly and strongly criticized the activities of Kaja Kallas, it is time to straighten their backs and sign the motion of no confidence.”

Kaja Kallas is trying to establish herself as the Iron Lady, like Margaret Thatcher, but the game does not deserve the candles and the Reform Party has been left alone in this violence. “Society’s dissatisfaction is increasing and today the teachers are again coming to the Riigikogu to protest. Yes, some pedagogues go back to work, but they do it empty-handed, because their income does not allow them to strike longer,” said Lauri Laats.

According to Lauri Laats, the key to ending the teachers’ strike is only in the pocket of Kaja Kallas, because the necessary 10 million is actually available in the state budget. “Our country is not so poor that it cannot find extra money for teachers, but the issue is no longer about this amount of money, but about the principle that education workers have dared to criticize the government and stand up for themselves. Since the teachers opposed the government led by the Reform Party, there is no need to give them extra money. The Prime Minister shows the society who is the boss, and some teachers will not sway him. The eastern freight scandal was over, although the strikers are also tired,” said Lauri Laats.

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