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Last Renovation group deems blocking of the ring road as a peaceful demonstration of civil resistance.

An activist from the Last Renovation group was tried on Monday for blocking the Paris ring road. This hospital doctor claims this action considering “not to have had any other choice”.

On July 9 around noon, this 58-year-old hospital doctor sat down on the ring road at Porte de Sèvres with six other activists to block traffic and unroll a banner in the name of this collective, which is calling for a plan. massive thermal renovation of housing.

At the helm of the criminal court, her graying hair held back by a colored headband, Florence M. assumes her act and its illegality. “I recognize this offense and I claim it as an act of civil and non-violent resistance”she said in a calm voice, estimating “having no other choice”.

The decision to break the law was not easy. “I have never committed an offence, I have always tried to behave like a citizen”explains this specialist in physical medicine for children with disabilities. “Breaking the law, an arrest, these were prohibitions that I would never have thought of”.

But the climate emergency and the scientists’ cries of alarm have swept everything away. “We know we have two, three years to act. Am I just going to watch this knowing it’s all going to burn?”asks the defendant who, on July 9, was carrying out her third operation to block the Paris ring road.

The president of the court says “hear his case” but wonders about the mode of action: “Weren’t there other means such as a declared demonstration in the prefecture?”

The defendant regrets having to go through “means of disturbance”, but assures that this is the only way to exert effective pressure when the State is particularly reluctant, according to her, to take the measures dictated by her conviction for climate inaction at the end of 2021 in the Case of the century.

“Our objective is to challenge the government. All other remedies have been exhausted and we have little time left”argues Florence M.

A brilliant strategy that was adopted very early on by the Last Renovation collective, founded in early 2022. Its activists disrupted the Tour de France in July, interrupted other sporting events (Roland-Garros, PSG-OM in L1 …) and, more recently, sprayed orange paint on the facades of several ministries.

The justice imposed fines and did not hesitate to summon the activists for the most serious facts. Some of them must also be tried this week in Paris, also for obstructing traffic.

“We have no problem going to court and we accept the debate even if we think that the State should also be on the bench of the defendants”says Nicolas, a spokesperson present Monday at the hearing who prefers not to give his surname for fear of cyberbullying.

The representative of the public prosecutor’s office is asking Florence M. for a response that he considers “graduated”: 500 euros fine and a suspended prison sentence, the extent of which he leaves to the court to determine.

In defense, Me Ingrid Metton pleads the release on behalf of “state of necessity” and one “historic struggle” for the climate.

Judgment will be delivered on February 13.

Source: AFP

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