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Landlord Change= collects million euros too much in service costs

Landlord Change= probably wrongfully charged more than a million euros in service costs in Amsterdamend. A court ruling on the Southeast location shows that tenants sometimes spend more than 900 euros per person too much have paid service charges.

That is what Stichting Woon, which assists residents with the Rental Committee, says Cash desk† Procedures are still ongoing for the location in Nieuw-West. In total Change= houses about 1100 young people.


This summer, the judge already tapped the landlord on the fingers. Tenants did not have to pay the so-called community costs, because service costs were already charged. Change= then decided to add the community costs to the service costs, which tripled it.

According to Stichting Woon, the service costs are not in proportion to the services provided. “The ruling on Zuidoost clearly shows that tenants have to pay far too much for, among other things, the internet, a caretaker and the inventory,” a spokesperson told the TV program.

“Anyone who has a temporary lease and does not pay the service costs pending the dispute, risks losing their home.” The Woon Foundation speaks of a fear community. Landlord Change= does not recognize itself in that image.

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