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Laâyoune: Sailors subjected to Covid-19 screening tests before returning to work

In reaction to the announcement made on Saturday morning by the wilaya of the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region on the closure of the port of Laâyoune, the president of the municipality of El Marsa, Badr El Moussaoui assured that the octopus fishing boats , whose sailors had already performed Covid-19 screening tests, have resumed their activity on a regular basis.

More than 70 octopus fishing vessels began their activities this Saturday, while the necessary medical examinations were carried out, according to professionals, in the port of Agadir for the benefit of the sailors who will join their work as soon as they receive the results. negative Covid-19 tests, said in a statement Mr. El Moussaoui, also president of the regional association of owners, captains and sailors of fishing boats.

He explained that the closure of the port is a decision that had been announced before Eid El Fitr stipulating the need for sailors wishing to leave the province of Laâyoune to have negative controls related to Covid 19 in order to spend the feast of Eid, before resuming their activity, in order to avoid a new wave of infection, as happened before Eid al-Adha, which would have led to a paralysis of activities in the port and the area industrial.

Rather in the morning, the wilaya of the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region announced the closure “until further notice” of the port of Laâyoune in order to “avoid a second wave of the new Coronavirus”.

The wilaya has informed the owners of the fishing boats and the sailors that it has been decided to close, “until further notice”, the port of Laâyoune “because of the epidemiological situation in the city following the spread of the new Coronavirus (Covid-19) and in order to avoid a second wave of this pandemic “.


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