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La Perla under extraordinary administration. Urso: “Important step for work”

MILANO – The extraordinary administration begins for La Perla Manufacturing and for the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, “it is an important step for the protection of work”.

The now long-standing story of luxury lingerie, known throughout the world, but with its budgets in the red for some time, it is therefore experiencing a turning point with the 13-page provision which was filed last night in the registry by the Court of Bologna.

The delegate judge is Alessandra Mirabelli, who took over from Maurizio Atzori who abstained. The extraordinary commissioners are Francesco Paolo Bello, Francesca Pace and Gianluca Giorgi.


Bologna, La Perla workers protest with a flash mob in front of the company

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La Perla Manufacturing, which employs just over 200 people, is the manufacturing company of the La Perla group: its shares are owned by La Perla Global Management UK, the English company that controls the brand. The company dates back to the 1950s and for days now the workers had resumed their protest mobilisation to ask for government help.

“With the opening of the extraordinary administration La Perla marks an important step in guaranteeing the stability and continuity of the company’s activities, as well as the protection of jobs”, declares Urso. “All interested parties will now have to move in coordination to guarantee the continuity of the group, with the awareness of the complexity that characterizes this procedure and of the need to identify an industrial solution shortly to safeguard production which can also have ownership of the brand. We will continue – he concluded – to monitor the situation closely and to urgently adopt all the necessary measures to ensure the relaunch of the company and the protection of its workers”.

#Perla #extraordinary #administration #Urso #Important #step #work
– 2024-05-11 10:40:23

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