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Kürt Rogiers is looking for the new member of K3

Kürt Rogiers will, together with the Dutch Tooske Ragas, be responsible for the presentation of K2 seeks K3.

If we take the past as a yardstick, VTM and the Dutch channel SBS6 are heading for a viewing figure gun this autumn. On both channels then K2 is looking for K3 to see, the search for the successor or successor of Klaasje Meijer. K3’s previous two searches – the one for Josje in 2009 and the one for the current line-up in 2015 – invariably achieved high viewing figures.

Kürt Rogiers and the Dutch Tooske Ragas are responsible for the presentation. The previous editions were also invariably presented by a Dutch-Belgian combo. The candidates will have to pass two juries in the first phase of the competition.

First they have to audition for a hearing and seeing jury. The first consists of Natalia and singer Samantha Steenwijk. They only get to hear the voice of the candidates. The jury consists of Ingeborg and the ever flamboyant Gordon. They can only judge the performance and the ‘K3’ factor.

Only when the four jury members are unanimously positive about a candidate, can he or she go on to the public jury. A hundred random Flemish and Dutch people decide who can go on to the studio shows. Of course, Hanne Verbruggen and Marthe De Pilleceyn, the current members of K3, will also have their say. Just like Gert Verhulst. But their exact role will not be announced until later.

‘K2 is looking for K3’ can be seen this fall on VTM and SBS6

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