Home » today » World » Kremlin Propagandist Maxim Kononenko, Collaborator with RT, Dies Instantly: Particulars and Reactions

Kremlin Propagandist Maxim Kononenko, Collaborator with RT, Dies Instantly: Particulars and Reactions

The enemy of Ukraine, the Kremlin propagandist Maxim Kononenko, who collaborated with RT Margarita Simonyan, has died.

Right now, Could 14, the well-known Kremlin propagandist and Putinist Maxim Kononenko died within the Russian Federation.

This was reported by the propaganda useful resource Russia Right now (RT), with which the deceased collaborated, reporting Dialog.UA.

Kononenko’s departure appears to have been surprising and sudden. Till Could 11, he was very lively on his Telegram channel with greater than 16 thousand subscribers.

On the time of his demise, the propagandist was 53 years outdated.

Russian Telegram channel 112 claims that Kononenko was rushed to hospital with inside bleeding from his condo within the Moscow suburb of Mosrentgen.

The Mash Telegram channel, for its half, notes that Kononenko “bleeded profusely on account of severing the veins of the esophagus. ” He fell ailing on Monday, the thirteenth of Could. Kononenko complained of extreme ache in his abdomen, his pores and skin turned yellow. The person was taken to the hospital urgently, however he couldn’t pump him out.

What is understood about Maxim Kononenko:

Maxim Kononenko (Mr. Parker) – political commentator, blogger and propagandist. He was a powerful supporter of Vladimir Putin and actively supported his insurance policies in direction of Ukraine, together with the warfare. The propagandist incited hatred for Ukraine, justified the occupation of its territories and the homicide of Ukrainians.

His final workplace was the RT web site, the place he printed columns with political evaluation supplies. For this he acquired about 540 thousand rubles a month (practically $6 thousand).

Dialog.UA beforehand reported died Chairman of the Supreme Courtroom of the Russian Federation Lebedev.

We additionally wrote that at age 35 died the son of Rosneft head Sechin.

Tatiana Shevchenko

2024-05-14 18:28:35
#turned #yellow #pump #propagandist #Maxim #Kononenko #died #mysteriously #Russian #Federation

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