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Kremlin accuses Washington of “interference”

The Kremlin on Sunday accused the United States of “interference”, denouncing a statement from the American embassy in Moscow published on the eve of the protest demonstrations in Russia to demand the release of the opponent Alexeï Navalny.

“Direct support for the offense”

The American diplomatic representation had called on its site the Americans not to go to these gatherings on Saturday, specifying the places where they were taking place. These publications “indirectly constitute an absolute interference in our internal affairs”, reacted Sunday the spokesman of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with the Russian public channel Rossia 1, extracts of which were published on the site of the chain .

“Indirectly, this constitutes direct support for the breaking of the law of the Russian Federation through support for unauthorized actions,” said Dmitry Peskov.

“Unease in Washington”

If the Russian embassy in the United States had acted in the same way during the disturbances on American territory, “it would surely have caused some sort of unease in Washington,” he added.

The Russian Foreign Ministry had already denounced the behavior of the embassy, ​​in a statement, specifying that its leadership would be summoned for a “serious conversation”. The United States had “strongly condemned the use of brutal methods against protesters and journalists” during the demonstrations on Saturday, in a statement the new administration of President Joe Biden.

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