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Koukalová dared to be a champion! It wasn’t easy to fold the boy, he laughs

Everything should be tried and former biathlon star Gabriela Koukalová is not afraid of that. The last time she decided to share it in training with professional boxer Václav Pejsar, who is the Czech champion and weighs a few kilos more than Koukalová. She boasted of an unconventional experience on social networks. “It simply came to our notice then. I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easy at all to fold the boy! “She wrote, adding a smiling smiley. She was praised for her performance in the ring.

Instagram by Gabriela Koukalová

The Pilsen boxer is no crumb and he no longer pays for a bat. He collects success in professional boxing and is the Czech champion. And Koukalová did not hide her joy that she could stand up to him. “Dear Vaška, thank you for the training and I wish you a lot of strength for the next matches!” She wrote on Facebook.

The dog had only words of praise for the former champion. “She was doing great as I watched. If she was wearing gloves for the second time, for the third time, “Koukalová appreciated in an interview for Sport.cz. “Something was filmed there and I had it after training. When they came up with the offer, I didn’t hesitate. She is a Czech sports gem, “he added.

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The 36-year-old boxer is currently preparing for a match in Russia and also for the December title fight with Vasil Ducár in Prague’s Lucerna. He claims that current measures related to the coronavirus pandemic will not stop him in his preparations. “If you need help with an opponent, let me know!” With a smile, the sports lover offered Carob cooperation in the future.

Oh, swimmer Seeman shouted while training with the boxer

Will the well-known tough guy use it, for example, before the title battle? “Every woman has her own magic and weapons to defeat a man. So why not, maybe I’ll send her to Vasil? “Smiled Czech champion.


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