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Kölvart: the government could waive the car tax and raise teachers’ salaries

Mihhail Kõlvart stated in a public address sent to the leaders of political parties that the ongoing confrontation in the Riigikogu is more extensive and problematic than ever before. “We are in a situation where the government is tying a record number of drafts to a vote of confidence, and obstructionist amendments are also made to drafts that are reasonable and necessary. Parliament’s work is paralyzed, cooperation is close to zero. It seems that the solutions and the desire to find them are further away than ever before,” said Kõlvart.

According to him, this impasse not only destroys the already low trust in Estonian political parties, but also reduces faith in the parliament and the government and state management in general. “What is happening in the Riigikogu is not only expedient, but unfortunately it is already a dangerous step into the future, where there is a balanced parliament and the absence of any kind of debate and political compromises. This is not the path that Estonia needs or the direction for which the people of Estonia have entrusted us in the hall of the Riigikogu and the Stenbock house,” said Kõlvart.

According to him, it is clear that all political parties have their own worldview, principles and understandings of how to run the country and what are the most correct decisions now and in the future. “At the same time, the opposition cannot assume that the coalition will lead the country and make decisions according to their understandings. Likewise, the coalition cannot assume that all their decisions can or must be accepted by the opposition. Especially when it can be seen that society’s pain threshold has been exceeded and politics does not meet the expectations of a very large part of Estonian people,” said Kõlvart.

In order for the joint discussion to continue towards finding a solution, Kõlvart proposes to the government to waive the car tax that will come into effect in 2025, and believes that teachers’ salaries must be increased and a long-term plan satisfactory to the parties must be put in place to value education workers.

“Similar to the good practice of members of the Riigikogu, a good practice of government decisions should be developed, the purpose of which is to ensure clear justification of decisions, substantive discussions and better communication with stakeholders and Estonian society as a whole,” continued Kõlvart, adding that as a countermeasure, the opposition would give up obstruction of the work of the Riigikogu and preventing the adoption of drafts. for the purpose.

“I understand that there are undoubtedly more steps that one or the other would like to see. However, I believe that an agreement can only be reached if all parties look beyond their programmatic goals to society’s expectations in today’s moment. I believe that these steps could reduce social tensions and confrontation in the Riigikogu,” Kõlvart added.

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