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Klaipėda metropolis maritime tradition awards “Albatross” offered

In Smiltyne, on the “Albatross” monument, awards had been offered to those that excelled probably the most through the calendar yr within the discipline of maritime tradition. As many as 5 decreased copies of the sculpture “Albatross” devoted to unreturned sailors and ships had been offered to the painter Edvards Malinauskas, sea captain Romos Karmazin, Laimon Rimkas, common director of the Klaipėda sea cargo firm BEGA, Daumantas Kiulkis, historian-museologist of the Lithuanian Maritime Museum and the Lithuanian Seamen’s Union. In an effort to honor individuals and organizations working within the discipline of maritime tradition and to foster the id of Klaipėda as a maritime metropolis, awards have been given since 2007.

“I sincerely congratulate all representatives of the port, seafarers and the big maritime neighborhood. This can be very gratifying to see so many younger and mature sea-spirited individuals gathered for this distinctive ceremony, throughout which we bow to all those that work and create within the maritime discipline. this massive neighborhood, I want that every one of Lithuania might see and listen to such celebrations, when the interval of reunification 101 years in the past turned an important occasion for Lithuania to grow to be a maritime state, accessing a port and making it doable to exit to all of the world’s oceans“, stated Klaipėda Mayor Arvydas Vaitkus.

The introduction to the occasion, which gathers the entire maritime neighborhood, was given by the youth and the seafaring neighborhood delivered to the “Albatross” monument by the “Pajūrio laivai” affiliation of small ships homeowners of Klaipėda on the ships and the “Smiltynės keltu”. The Lithuanian Greater Maritime Faculty, Klaipėda Sea Cadet Faculty, Klaipėda Ludvikos Stulpins Professional-gymnasium, Klaipėda Paulius Lindenau Coaching Middle, Klaipėda Vitės Professional-gymnasium, Klaipėda “Aitvaros” Gymnasium, Klaipėda “Vėtrungė” Gymnasium, Klaipėda “Aitvaros” Gymnasium lined up on the “Albatross” monument. , Klaipėda “Vėtrungė” highschool, Klaipėda “Verdenė” pro-gymnasium, Klaipėda “Aukuro” highschool, Klaipėda “Varpo” highschool, Klaipėda College “Žemynos” highschool, Klaipėda “Medeinės” college, Klaipėda “Vyturios” pro-gymnasium, Klaipėda College, Lithuanian Rifle Associations The third nationwide crew of the western (sea) shooters (Klaipėda district) and probably the most honorable a part of the maritime neighborhood – the affiliation “Sea Veterans” and all sailors.

After singing the nationwide anthem with the soloist Kristina Jatautaite Stanevičiene and the orchestra of the Lithuanian Naval Forces and inserting flowers as an indication of respect for many who didn’t return from the ocean, the beginning was given to a ceremony completely typical of Klaipėda, nurturing the spirit of the maritime metropolis. Klaipėda Mayor Arvydas Vaitkus thanked and congratulated the awardees, Virginijus Sinkevičius, member of the European Fee liable for the atmosphere, oceans and fisheries, gave a speech of welcome.

“I congratulate our port metropolis, which has been nurturing maritime tradition for 10 years, with this stunning custom of the Albatros awards. These days, it is in style to remind how rapidly all the pieces modifications and the way nothing is everlasting, so it is good that in such a fast-moving world, new, stunning initiatives are rising that handle to be carved into the rock – not simply written on the seashore sand”, stated the member of the European Fee, congratulating the viewers. liable for the atmosphere, oceans and fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius.

The primary “Albatross” award was given to the painter Edvard Malinauskas – for a few years of marine portray, because of which the painter made Klaipėda and Lithuania well-known on the planet, within the nomination “For long-term work in nurturing maritime tradition”.

The second “Albatross” award was offered to Laimon Rimkas, common director of the Klaipėda sea cargo firm BEGA – for his means to develop multifunctional terminals and contribution to ecology, within the nomination “For long-term work within the actions of the Affiliation of Lithuanian Sea Cargo Corporations within the place of the supervisor of the Klaipėda sea cargo firm BEGA cargo firm”.

One other, the third “Albatross” award was given to Daumantas Kiulkis, the historian-museologist of the Lithuanian Maritime Museum, for the e book he wrote “Lithuanian Maritime Museum Collections converse. Philately” and ready exhibitions: the digital exhibition “The Method of the Naval Officer” and the touring exhibition “Needs from the Ship”, within the nomination “For probably the most important works within the discipline of maritime tradition of the previous calendar yr – maritime cultural tasks and publications of scientific literature”.

The fourth “Albatross” award was offered to the Lithuanian Seamen’s Union – for the dissemination of maritime specialties to town’s visitors and younger individuals by way of instructional applications on the “Seafarers’ Sq.” occasion organized through the Sea Competition and the “Sky Rally – Competition” occasion devoted to the World Sea Day in 2023, within the nomination “For probably the most important work of the earlier calendar yr within the discipline of maritime tradition – maritime social tasks”.

The fifth “Albatross” award was offered to sea captain Romos Karmazin – for spreading the seafaring occupation amongst younger individuals and defending the social ensures of Lithuanian seafarers, within the nomination “For long-term work in fostering maritime tradition”.

As many as eight candidates had been nominated for probably the most important works within the discipline of maritime tradition of the earlier calendar yr. Among the many nominees to obtain the “Albatross” award with out laureates, AB Klaipėda State Seaport Authority for reviving and popularizing outdated maritime traditions, shaping the maritime mentality of town and Lithuania by organizing the Viking Dragon Boat Race, Klaipėda State Musical Theater for 2023. The world premiere of the story opera “Klaipėda” offered in Paulius Lindenau’s boathouse, devoted to the commemoration of the one centesimal anniversary of the annexation of the Klaipėda area to Lithuania and the affiliation of small boat homeowners of Klaipėda “Pajūrio laivai” for the training of the maritime mentality of Klaipėda schoolchildren: 2023 organized a free crusing of Klaipėda metropolis schoolchildren on the affiliation’s boats to the “Albatross” ceremony of the maritime tradition award of Klaipėda metropolis.

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#Klaipėda #metropolis #maritime #tradition #awards #Albatross #offered
– 2024-05-18 03:37:20

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