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King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands reveals royal WhatsApp group with other European monarchs – Qmusic interview with Wim Dehandschieter

royaltyOur royalty expert Wim Dehandschieter visits Qmusic every week for the section ‘Do they drink fizz in the royal family?’ This time, presenter Vincent Fierens wonders whether our king sends WhatsApp messages with other European kings.

IV Jan 9 2024 Last update: 21:10 Source: Q-Music

“I received the answer from King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. I interviewed him six months ago,” says Wim Dehandschieter. “He told me that he had Filip’s phone number and his iPhone was also on the table in front of him. The idea that he could be away from our king at the push of a button intrigued me.” Wim asked Willem-Alexander if they ever heard each other. “We speak to each other regularly,” said the King of the Netherlands. But how often did he prefer not to say that,” says our royalty expert.

Presenter Vincent Fierens wonders whether Willem-Alexander and Filip are best friends. “They are at least good acquaintances who share a lot with each other. For example, exchanging addresses.” When Filip and Mathilde went on a trip to Den Bosch, they asked Willem-Alexander for tips for good restaurants. “The King of the Netherlands then recommended a restaurant from the chef who was behind the pots at his wedding to Maxima,” Wim explains. “These two have known each other since their childhood, just like Maxima and Mathilde, they have also known each other for a long time.”

“Is the Dutch royal family the one with whom our royal family has the best ties?” asks Fierens. “The ties are very good, but they are closest to the Luxembourg royal family,” said Dehandschieter. The reason is because they are also real family, because King Philippe and Grand Duke Henri are also cousins. “Mathilde also grew up in the province of Luxembourg, near the border with the Grand Duchy, and often went for walks there in her childhood,” Wim continues. “She only has good memories of that.”

Future queens

Vincent also wants to know if there is a WhatsApp group among the monarchs. “There is certainly one WhatsApp group,” says our royalty expert. “The future queens of Europe are in there. Princess Amalia of the Netherlands has already spoken about this. Princess Elisabeth and the Norwegian Crown Princess Ingrid Alexandra are part of this. Amalia said that they are in a very special position, because there are no other crown princesses in their own country. They need very few words to understand each other and in that WhatsApp group they can talk about certain themes that are slightly different to them,” he said.

© Q-music / Brunopress

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2024-01-09 19:31:09

#exchange #addresses #restaurants #King #Philip #WhatsApp #group #kings

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