Home » today » Business » ‘King of mismanagement’ Hugo de Jonge is now concerned about a rapid increase in corona infections

‘King of mismanagement’ Hugo de Jonge is now concerned about a rapid increase in corona infections

The daily number of corona infections is increasing rapidly. So quickly, in fact, that the outgoing Minister of Health Hugo de Jonge is starting to worry and is already pointing the finger at others.

Now that a significant part of the Dutch population has been vaccinated, it seems that most infections occur among unvaccinated young people. The rapid increase also does not yet translate into hospital admissions, so that De Jonge remains only “vigilant” for the time being.

De Jonge is very clear about the cause of the rapid increase in the number of infections: ‘the increase in infection figures is partly caused by people not complying as well with the basic rules’, he says. according to NU.nl.

He is of course very careful with what he does and does not say. For example, he does not waste a word on the gigantic outbreak at the Aspen Valley nightlife in Enschede, where 180 of the 800 visitors have now become infected. reports RTV East. There was plenty of checking for negative test evidence, provided by Testing for Access. A day after the outbreak, one infected visitor already flew to Spain, where he is now in quarantine sitting.

It therefore seems more like that the test society that De Jonge has aimed at and is responsible for is not working at all. Something the outgoing minister himself also took into account. After all, it was De Jonge himself who said that it was a acceptable risk was for recipients of the Janssen vaccine that they could receive an admission ticket immediately after vaccination. “A negative test is not one hundred percent certain, nor is a recovery certificate one hundred percent watertight,” he added.

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But no, put the blame for the rising infection rates mainly on people who do not follow the basic rules… Come on. And then he will certainly place the blame for the abundant Delta variant on returning holidaymakers who have flouted the quarantine. So we know a few of them.

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