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King Charles gives Prince Harry’s house to Andrew

King Charles has presented the keys to Frogmore Cottage, Prince Harry’s home, to Prince Andrew. An American organization of Harry and his wife Meghan, Archewell, has confirmed that the couple have been asked to leave the house. The couple will then no longer have a residence in the United Kingdom, British media report.

The last of Harry and Meghan’s belongings will soon be shipped to California, where the couple now live. Frogmore Cottage is located in Windsor and is part of King Charles’ estate.

It was Harry and Meghan’s first home. They received it shortly after their wedding in 2018 from the late Queen Elizabeth. When the couple moved to California about two years later, Harry and Meghan kept the cottage as their British residence.

The couple can rarely be found in the UK anymore, which is why King Charles is said to have decided to give the property to his younger brother Andrew. He would soon have to leave his current home, the luxurious Royal Lodge, because Charles would like to limit Andrew’s allowances. This would make the Royal Lodge too expensive for Andrew, much to Andrew’s dismay.

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No one will disagree with the prince that those horny, hateful, racist British tabloids could use a media code, but with the umpteenth outrage about lies in the media, you think like ‘Willy’ and ‘Dad’: let go Harry.

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