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Kim Kardashian was booed by the audience in the “Tom Brady roast”

Tried to make a joke

Updated 2024-05-07 08.20 | Published 2024-05-06 09.04



Kim Kardashian received a cool reception when she participated in “The roast of Tom Brady”.

The reality star tried to make a joke – but was drowned out by the audience’s booing.

  • Reality star Kim Kardashian was booed by the audience when she tried to make a joke during the Netflix program “The roast of Tom Brady” in Los Angeles.
  • Kardashian’s joke about comedian Kevin Hart’s height didn’t go down well, and she was drowned out by boos.
  • This is not the first time Kardashian has been booed at a public event.

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The entrepreneur and reality star Kim Kardashian43, faced a to say the least flirtatious audience during Sunday night when she participated in the Netflix program “The roast of Tom Brady”, writes the Daily Mail.


full screen Kim Kardashian in “The roast of Tom Brady”. Photo: Netflix

The show took place in Kardashian’s hometown of Los Angeles.

The reality star took her place on stage and started a joke about the comedian Kevin Harts length.

– I know a lot of people joke about your height, she said.


full screen Tom Bradý in “The roast of Tom Brady” Photo: Chris Pizzello / AP


full screenTom Brady Photo: Chris Pizzello/AP

Kevin Hart tried to calm the crowd

But the joke didn’t go any further than that.

Kardashian was actually outvoted by the booing audience and suddenly fell silent.


full screen Kevin Hart Photo: Chris Pizzello/AP

The entrepreneur looked visibly surprised by the reactions and, together with Kevin Hart, tried to smooth over the situation.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hart exclaimed to calm the crowd, who finally gave in.

It’s not the first time Kim Kardashian has been booed at a big event. When the star was filmed on the big screen during the LA Rams football game in October 2022, along with son Saint, the crowd booed loudly, writes the Daily Mail.

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