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Kim Jin-wook, late payment of gift tax in arrears… Comprehensive income tax is also within the nomination of candidates

Kim Jin-wook, omission of 2.5 million won in gift tax recently paid… Undisclosed information stock suspicion “no work”
靑, Park Bum-gye-Han Jung-ae submits personnel hearings… Park-Han candidates each reported property of 1.2 billion won

Candidate Jin-wook Kim, who was appointed as the first head of the Office of Crime Investigation of the First High-ranking Officials, is coming to work for the first time in the new year at the office of the personnel hearing preparation group in a building in Jongno-gu, Seoul. 2021.1.5/News 1 (Seoul = News 1)-It was confirmed on the 6th that a candidate Kim Jin-wook, head of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office (KPA), was late after paying some taxes.

As a result of analyzing the data on tax payment evidence submitted by Candidate Kim to the National Assembly for the past five years, candidate Kim’s gift tax in the process of contracting a private apartment house in Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul last year, under the name of a couple. Did not pay. They signed a contract for 625 million won each in the name of Candidate Kim and spouse, but did not report a gift for 25 million won, which exceeds the limit of 600 million won. The tax rate is 10%, and candidate Kim has to pay a gift tax of about 2.5 million won. Candidate Kim explained, “In the process of preparing for the personnel hearing, I recognized that 25 million won was subject to gift tax and paid it on the 4th.”

Separately, on December 31 of last year, the day after the nomination, Kim paid a total income tax of 83,960 won and 38,400 won twice. Regarding this, Candidate Kim said, “I didn’t know that the interest income from banks was a matter of filing a comprehensive income tax, but it was learned and paid in the process of preparing for a personnel hearing.”

Candidate Kim refuted the suspicion of trading stocks using material undisclosed information from a company entangled with Harvard University in the United States, saying, “I have never traded stocks using material undisclosed information.” Candidate Kim said, “When Candidate Kim studied at Harvard Law School in the United States in 2001 and 2002, I got to know Moo Kim (then Harvard Research Professor) at Korean congregations such as Korean churches. He said, “I made an investment recommendation.” Meanwhile, President Moon Jae-in submitted a request for a personnel hearing to the National Assembly on this day for the candidates for Justice Minister Park Bum-gye and Environment Minister Han Jeong-ae. According to the Personnel Hearing Act, the National Assembly must complete the personnel hearing within 20 days. Candidate Park reported about 1.26 billion won for the property of himself, his spouse and two children. Candidate Kim reported 285 million won for apartments in Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 70 million won for chartered leases for officetels in Dangsan-dong and Daejeon neighborhood living facilities in Seoul, 20.23 million won for land in Yeongdong-gun, Chungbuk, and 20.91 million won for forest fields. Among them, Lim Ya was omitted from the property report of public officials for eight years after the 19th general election in 2012, causing controversy. In response, Candidate Park said, “At the time of the first National Assembly member election, the assistants were omitted in the process of reporting property, but in the process of preparing for the personnel hearing, I realized that property registration was omitted.” And there is no reason to deliberately omit it.” The forest field is Sunsan with the oxygen of Candidate Park.

One candidate reported a total of 1,236.14 million won for the property of himself and his spouse. Since 2018, he has reported 670 million won for a jeonsegwon apartment in Hwagok-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, 172.58 million won in deposits, 236.16 million won in political funds, and 3.3 million won in securities.

Reporter Kang Kyung-seok [email protected]

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