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Kick down doors, people and everything else in Spinnville Anger Foot

We know to expect madness when Devolver Digital invites you to a summer show, and that’s exactly how it turned out this year as well. Among a bunch of marvelous games, the publisher showed off Anger Foot, which is simply about kicking things as hard as you can.

Yep. Looks like a Devolver game.

Return Digital

Anger Foot offers Hotline Miami-like action, just from a first-person point of view. Here you sweep through everything from drug camps to monster-infested sewer systems, with the game’s titular foot as a faithful helper.

In addition to kicking to absolutely everything throughout the game, you also get access to an arsenal of powerful weapons. Submachine guns, ordinary pistols, shotguns and more can be fired and thrown to get rid of the many enemies who want you to die.

You can see a trailer for the program at the top of the article. In addition to the gameplay itself, Anger Foot also makes a name for itself with its gaudy color palette and hectic soundtracks.

The game comes to PC sometime in 2023, and one demo is available via Steam already now.

We have written several news from this year’s almost-E3.
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