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Khubavitsa broke the stupid test with her answers about Bulgarian history, the shame is great!

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A young man decides to do an experiment by stopping his peers on one of the busiest streets of the capital, namely “Vitosha” Blvd., and asks them questions that everyone should be able to answer starting from a common culture.

He comes across two beautiful girls.

One recognizes him in an instant and decides to run away, knowing what to expect, but the other gladly accepts the challenge to answer. She the girl she hardly suspected she could be so violent.

“Do you know the name of the treaty by which Bulgaria was freed from Turkish slavery, where was it concluded?” he asks.

The girl immediately begins to justify herself: “But I have not seen such videos.”

“You should know that from the common culture,” the young man interrupted.

Then she totally inappropriately replies with “on the 4th of July” (that’s the date the US actually celebrates its independence).

However, the young man does not give up and moves on to the following questions:

“Do you know which Bulgarian prince Bulgaria is baptized under?” he asks her, and the girl bends down visibly embarrassed, because she doesn’t even know how to answer this question, she writes “Blitz”.

The boy decides that there is no point in asking more questions from the history section and decides to choose something that is closer to beauty: fashion.

“Do you know what country Marilyn Monroe is from,” he asks, and the lady calmly replies “No” and adds that she doesn’t care.

Then she is asked who is Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot? However, she says no to all the names she lists.

The next question will make every Bulgarian who loves football at least a little bit and remembers the distant 1994 year cry.

“What year did Bulgaria finish in fourth place at the World Cup,” the boy asks.

However, the girl’s response is again simply “I don’t know.”

He decides to take a different approach and directly asks her what she is interested in to ask a question in that area. She boldly launches “art”.

“So you know what year Pablo Picasso…” he begins, but she stops him: “Hey, not really!”.

“Okay, tell me what’s the highest peak in the world,” he asks.

Then, unexpectedly, she answers correctly, “Everest,” but is asked to add how tall it is, which she arrives at with the answer 8894.

The last question for her is to name at least two countries through which the Himalayas pass. “I can’t remember,” she replies simply her, and that ends their meeting.

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