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Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang Demands Apology for Drug Accusations: Latest Updates on Property Rights Dispute at East Coast Plaza

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Release time 2024.02.23 16:23 Taipei time

Update time 2024.02.23 16:23 Taipei time

Xie Guoliang (pictured) made a big move today and held a press conference to emphasize that he did not take drugs and asked Lin Youchang to apologize personally within 24 hours. (File photo for this magazine) Text Photography

The dispute over the property rights of Keelung East Coast Plaza continues to rage. The current Keelung Mayor Xie Guoliang has criticized the former Keelung Mayor and Minister of the Interior Lin Youchang, as well as the former winning bidder owner Fortune Corporation (NET). Xie Guoliang recently pointed out in a live broadcast that “Lin Youchang is right.” “Things that are not good for the public but good for you”, the other party criticized him and said, “Is it because I was drunk and crazy or did I take drugs?” Xie Guoliang made a big move today (23rd) and held a press conference to emphasize that he did not take drugs and asked Lin Youchang to apologize personally within 24 hours, otherwise legal action will be taken.

Keelung East Coast Plaza will be officially handed over to Breeze Group on February 1 this year (2024). However, the former bid winner NET claimed to own the property rights of the buildings on the 2nd to 4th floors of East Coast Plaza. Therefore, it accused the Keelung City Government of illegal investment and accused the city government of forcibly investing in Keelung. NET shopping mall launched a raid, and the two sides faced off in court.

Xie Guoliang responded that the property rights dispute should be the responsibility of the former Keelung City Government team. He instead accused Lin Youchang of “not completing the asset transfer registration during his tenure” and leaving a mess. In addition to asking the other party to come forward to explain, he also live broadcasted angrily in the middle of the night and choked “My family’s financial situation” Stable, so I don’t need to be someone who is detrimental to the public and beneficial to myself. Do you think Lin Youchang needs it? Let me tell you, he definitely needs it.”

Lin Youchang responded to Xie Guoliang’s live broadcast. Some people saw Mayor Xie Guoliang’s move and asked him if he was crazy, drunk, or taking drugs. He believes that as the mayor of Keelung, this move is really unqualified. “As a Keelung citizen, I really feel that it is quite embarrassing.”

In response to Lin Youchang’s response, Xie Guoliang held a press conference angrily, accusing Lin Youchang’s remarks that caused his family and wife to stay up at night, making them feel very worried both physically and mentally. “If others make false accusations and labels like Lin Youchang, how should we face our children? “

Xie Guoliang made a stern protest to Lin Youchang at the press conference, and emphasized that he was definitely not a drug addict and must not smear “the mayor of Keelung is definitely not a drug addict.” He also asked the other party to apologize in person within 24 hours, otherwise he would go to the hospital for examination and self-examination. , subsequent legal action was taken. As for the dispute at Keelung East Bank Plaza, Xie Guoliang did not respond to the media at the scene.

Former Keelung City Government Spokesperson and Confidential Secretary of the Office of the Minister of the Interior You Benming responded that after watching Xie Guoliang’s press conference, he found it quite ridiculous. It turned out that the so-called “major announcement” of the Keelung City Government was that Xie Guoliang was going to have a urine test. You Benming also recalled that when Lin Youchang was interviewed at the Legislative Yuan that day, he just quoted people’s reactions after watching Xie Guoliang’s live broadcast, and called on Xie Guoliang not to be unable to hear clearly what others said.

Chen Yiwen, a lawyer appointed by NET, pointed out that Mayor Xie Guoliang not only failed to explain the procedural issues, but also maliciously steered the whole matter into a “blue-green” dispute. NET will continue to pursue the property rights dispute, and also called on Xie Guoliang to come forward to explain the basis for the illegal prosecution. What.

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