Home » today » Business » KED calls for a “special education fund” and more staff for elementary schools

KED calls for a “special education fund” and more staff for elementary schools

Bonn / Berlin. (Ked) In a fiery letter to the Federal Minister of Education, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, the Association of Catholic Parents of Germany (KED) eV called for a “special education fund” and more personal, especially for primary schools.

It has been an ongoing process for years that reading, writing and arithmetic skills in primary school children are clearly declining, KED national president Marie-Theres Kastner says in the letter. “The measures with which the shortage (in the education system) has so far been tackled are insufficient and sometimes problematic:

Teachers who have been trained for primary school do not have special pedagogy for younger children; Actually retired educators can only continue to work for a limited time; teachers who have been trained abroad face high additional qualifications or bureaucratic obstacles; Additional pedagogical staff are only rarely used and only in designated problem areas of the city, ”says Kastner.

Kastner points out that “the school is of systemic importance”. It is therefore urgent to “invest in young people in a tailored way”. Otherwise, you harm the future of our society.

The reason for the letter is the publication of the IQB 2021 educational trends (https://www.iqb.hu-berlin.de/bt/BT2021/Report/), which show a significant decline in the skills of fourth grade pupils nationwide in the German and Mathematics subjects compared to the results of 2011 and 2016.

The KED is the national representation of the interests of Catholic parents, which since 1954 is committed to equal opportunities, holistic and value-oriented education and the education of children and young people on the basis of its Christian image of man.

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