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Kassory and company trial: Me Paul Yomba surprises public opinion

Except last minute changes ! But, according to the words of the ”famous” lawyer, Me Paul Yomba KOUROUMA, one of the advisers of former PM Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana and company, tomorrow’s trial could open without the defendants. According to him, neither the collective nor their clients, no one will be at the hearing this Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

For this man in a black robe, the defense of Kassory Fofana, Mohamed Diané and Oyé Guilavogui, will not join in what it describes as a “parody” of justice. This anger of Me Yomba is explained by the prolonged detention of their clients, despite obtaining their conditional release from the judge in charge of the case at the level of the CRIEF. Hopes that are often shattered because of the positions of the special prosecutor at the CRIEF, Aly Touré, who is appealing these court decisions.

« In view of what is happening in this case, I can say that our clients are the captives of Guinean justice. Reason why, neither Dr Kassory Fofana, nor Dr Mohamed Diané, nor Oyé Guilavogui and less their lawyers, no one will appear at this hearing tomorrow Wednesday, March 15, 2023 as planned “, declared Me Paul Yomba Kourouma.


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