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Karbo Diet Menu List for Week

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Diet Carbo is one way to lose weight. The choice of a low-carb diet or a carbo diet is to limit carbohydrate intake, especially foods that come from sugar and flour such as pasta, noodles, or bread.

Carbo diets prioritize eating foods high in protein, fat, and healthy vegetables. Going on a carb diet is the same as limiting or eliminating your intake carbohydrate at all.

Research shows that reducing carbohydrate intake can help you lose weight and provide good health benefits, launch Healthline.

For that, find out how, benefits, and the carbo diet menu for a week that can be your reference in running a carbo diet.

Diet Karbo

Foto: Leeroy/Life of Pix
Carbo diet can be defined as cutting down on carbohydrate intake from rice, sweet drinks, or bread and cakes.-

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. Running a carbohydrate diet can be defined as cutting down as much carbohydrate intake as possible which is usually consumed daily, for example reducing rice or not eating rice at all.

Instead, activists on a carb diet only eat foods high in fat, protein and high in fiber.

So you don’t have to worry about starving because you don’t eat rice, because you can stay full by eating meat, eggs, and various green vegetables.

Carbo diets are often confused with the keto diet. Because they both limit carbohydrate intake to less than 30 grams per day. However, the carb diet is usually stricter than the keto diet.

The Carbo Diet Way

Barbecue illustrationFoto: morgueFile/frolicsomepl
The way to successfully lose weight carbo diets is to avoid foods high in carbohydrates and processed foods such as sausages and nuggets-

The recommended net carbohydrate intake when on a carbo diet is around 20-50 grams per day. But there are no specific ranges or fixed standards.

Simply put, carbo diet activists should avoid all foods that contain high carbohydrates.

In general, foods that are avoided on a carbohydrate diet are those that contain sugar or sweeteners, rice, instant noodles, white bread and wheat, cereals, deep fried foods, and several types of starchy vegetables such as kidney beans, corn, and potatoes.

Then avoid processed foods such as nuggets, sausages, ready-to-eat meatballs.

Meanwhile, drinks and foods that can be eaten while on a carb diet are red meat, chicken or poultry, fish, various seafood, eggs, cheese, butter, water, coffee, and tea.

However, those who are not too strict on a carbohydrate diet can also eat nuts, seeds or vegetables that do not contain starch. Fruits that contain high fat and fiber such as avocado and coconut can still be consumed.

The carb diet focuses on limiting certain macronutrients, there are no recommendations for daily calorie intake or mandatory portion sizes.

Organized Foods for the Carbo Diet

illustration of nasi padangPhoto: Istockphoto / Satriady Utomo
Nothing can beat the pleasure of a portion of nasi padang. But food recommendations for a carb diet should be to avoid rice and high-oil foods.-

1. Food that can be consumed

Carbo diets limit foods that are high in carbohydrates and rely heavily on low-carb foods. The following foods can be consumed by carbo diet activists Healthline.

  • Low-carb animal products: chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, deer, eggs, butter, cheese.
  • Seafood (seafood): salmon, tilapia, shrimp, sardines, crab
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews
  • Vegetables without starch or starch: broccoli, bell peppers, cauliflower, radishes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, mushrooms, leafy greens
  • Fruits high in fat and low in carbohydrates: avocado, coconut, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches, apricots, grapes, lemons, oranges
  • Calorie-free drinks: water as well as black coffee and tea without sugar

2. Foods that should not be consumed

Carbo diets are very strict in selecting foods that can be consumed. The following types of foods should not be eaten for activists on a carb diet:

  • Grains: white rice, brown rice, farro, barley, quinoa, wheat, bread, pasta
  • Beans and legumes: black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, pears, dates, mangoes, pineapples
  • Starchy vegetables: peas, corn, pumpkin, potatoes
  • Milk: milk and yogurt
  • High-calorie beverages: beer, wine, alcohol, soda, and all kinds of beverages with a mixture of sugars

Benefits of the Carbo Diet

Weighloss- Low section of a young on a weighing scalePhoto: Istockphoto / Urilux
The most noticeable benefit of a carb diet is losing weight fast-

1. Lose weight

Reducing your carbohydrate intake and eating fewer calories can help you lose weight. Carbohydrates can be replaced with protein or fat intake so that you can still make your stomach full.

Compared to other types of diets, carbo diets are effective and quickly lose weight in just the first few weeks. This is because each gram of carbohydrates holds about 3 grams of water in the body.

Other studies have shown that following a carb diet for 12 months can lead to more sustainable weight loss than following a low-fat diet.

However, you don’t have to completely eliminate carbohydrates to lose weight. Cut back on carbohydrates gradually and it is more important to reduce overall calorie intake.

2. Improve heart health

Carbo diets have been shown to lower blood triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels can increase your risk of heart disease.

Other studies also say that a carbohydrate diet can increase HDL cholesterol levels which can help protect against heart disease.

Although the benefits of a carbohydrate diet are beneficial for heart health, further research remains to be done.

3. Control blood sugar

Reducing the consumption of carbohydrates especially refined carbohydrates and sugar can help control blood sugar which can help diabetics.

Reducing carbohydrate intake can prevent blood sugar spikes so that it can help prevent diabetes complications. However, if you are a beginner you don’t need to completely cut back on carbohydrates in your diet. You can do it gradually.

Carbo Diet Side Effects

illustration of upper left abdominal painPhoto: iStockphoto / yacobchuk
The side effect of the carb diet is lack of fiber intake, making it prone to constipation-

1. Causes constipation and drowning

Reducing your intake of carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables can cause constipation.

The fiber found in fruits and vegetables is very good for the digestive system. The task of the intestines in digesting food can be easier with fiber intake.

Carbohydrates are also the main source of energy for the body. Carbo diets can cause a lack of energy and make you tired quickly.

2. Nutritional deficiencies

Carbo diet makes it possible to not provide adequate intake of vitamins and minerals for the body.

In addition, increased urination caused by carbohydrate restriction can lead to sodium and potassium deficiency. To meet nutritional intake, substituting other types of food can be tricked.

Karbo Diet Week Menu Ideas

Here are the carb diet menu options of the week that you can try. It is better if food is cooked or processed by yourself so that the levels of salt, sugar, and other mixtures are controlled in a controlled dose.

Salmon teriyaki illustrationFoto: 916237/Pixabay
The following is a list of the carb diet menu for one week that you can try.-


Breakfast: Hot tea without sugar, eggs, bacon (can be from beef), avocado

Lunch: Lettuce, ground beef or meatball balls, cheese and olive oil

Dinner: Salmon, zucchini noodles, sunflower seed kuaci

Snack / Snack: Watermelon


Breakfast: Eggs, steak, peppers

Lunch: Tuna, lettuce, boiled carrots, cucumber and avocado

Dinner: Tofu, spinach, walnuts and olive oil

Snack / Snack: Boiled egg and melon


Breakfast: Eggs, beef jerky or beef slice, avocado

Lunch: Scallops, grilled Brussels sprouts with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese

Dinner: Meat, grilled tomatoes and radishes

Snack / Snack: Watermelon and sunflower seeds


Breakfast: Hot tea without sugar, shredded chicken, omelette, eggplant

Lunch: Burger, cucumber, lettuce and tomato

Dinner: Meatballs and zucchini noodles with grilled tomatoes

Snack / Snack: Grapes


Breakfast: Eggs, chicken sausage, cheese and broccoli

Lunch: Chicken steak and salad with olive oil

Dinner: Shrimp, grilled asparagus and mushrooms

Snack / Snack: Cashews and oranges


Breakfast: Black coffee without sugar, omelet, tofu, with green vegetables

Lunch: Salad, mushrooms, yogurt with grated coconut and walnuts

Dinner: Salmon and green vegetables

Snack / Snack: Almonds and peaches


Breakfast: Smoothie or strawberry juice and hard boiled eggs

Lunch: Bacon, tomato, chocolate flavored protein milk

Dinner: Roast chicken wings with spinach

Snack / Snack: Squash seeds and strawberries

That’s the carb diet menu option in a week that can be imitated. You can customize the menu with existing stocks at home.

In order for a successful diet to lose weight, you need to be determined and consistent in running it. Don’t forget to balance it with exercise and regular sleep.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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