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Juventus Football Club Spa Stock Analysis: Neutral Ratings, Investor Sentiment, and Social Media Discussion Strength

The technical analysis of the Juventus Football Club Spa share shows that the moving average closing price of the last 200 trading days was EUR 0.31, while the current price is EUR 0.2506. This leads to a deviation of -19.16 percent and a “poor” rating from a chart perspective. If you look at the moving average of the closing price for the last 50 trading days, it is EUR 0.25, which corresponds to a deviation of only +0.24 percent. This results in a “Neutral” rating. Overall, the company receives a “neutral” rating for the simple charting technique.

The mood and interest of market participants in the Juventus Football Club Spa share have hardly changed in the last few weeks. As a result, the stock receives a “Neutral” rating for sentiment and a “Poor” rating for social media discussion strength. Investor sentiment, on the other hand, was rated as particularly positive in the past two weeks, and predominantly positive topics were discussed. Overall, this results in a “good” rating for investor sentiment.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for Juventus Football Club Spa stock indicates that the security is neither overbought nor oversold on both a 7-day and 25-day basis. This results in a “Neutral” rating for the RSI.

Overall, Juventus Football Club Spa stock receives a “Neutral” rating according to technical analysis and investor sentiment, while sentiment and discussion strength result in a “Poor” rating.

Buy, hold or sell – your Juventus Football Club analysis from December 17th. provides the answer:

How will Juventus Football Club develop now? Is it worth getting started or should investors sell? You can find out the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the latest Juventus Football Club analysis.

2023-12-16 23:44:38
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