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Juventus-Fiorentina 1-0, the report cards: Cuadrado breaks the game, Milenkovic ruins everything

JUVENTUS-FIORENTINA 1-0 – 90 ‘+ 1 Cuadrado

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JUVENTUS (report cards by Gaetano Mocciaro)
Perin 6 – Attentive when called into question, he does not actually have to make major interventions.
Danilo 6 – He risks giving Fiorentina a penalty, Sozza grace him. However, Saponara proves to be a bad customer.
De Ligt 6.5 – It has the merit of defusing Vlahovic and that’s all.
Rugani 6 – Insertion last minute of the match. In fact third choice and on the field for the forfeit of the last of Bonucci and Chiellini. Springs at the beginning in the support phase where there is a big risk. It resumes in the course of the game.
Alex Sandro 5.5 – The most in difficulty of the bianconeri, is forced to play containment with Callejon and Odriozola often to break through on his side. From 46 ‘Pellegrini 6 – More proactive than the Brazilian, although he cannot be particularly dangerous.
Church 6.5 – The ex of the evening is gicooforza among the most anticipated of the match. Even when it seems like a bad evening, it remains a bugbear, so much so as to provoke the expulsion of Milenkovic. And shortly after he goes wild, making the crossbar tremble and inventing a splendid shot from a tight angle.
McKennie 7 – Many balls recovered and then starts the action again. He is the scooter of the Bianconeri’s midfield and confirms his excellent form.
Locatelli 6,5 – Difficult to blame him for anything, despite Juventus’ efforts in becoming dangerous. The play is always precise and punctual in the support phase, plays clean and is also reliable in the closures.
Rabbit 5.5 – Allegri wands him at the press conference, but surprisingly he throws him into the holder. Not too precise in the support phase, he remains confined to the left where he tries to assert his physique to protect the ball and in the aerial game. But that’s not enough, especially after the coach’s spur. Dal 78 ‘Square 7 – He solves it once again, in injury time. The thought of 2015 is unavoidable, when Torino bent over time, giving rise to a sensational comeback. Most likely it will not be like this this year, but after 6 years Allegri still has the same certainty.
Dybala 5.5 – Little Jewel tonight by the Argentine, caged by the defenders and unable to worry Terracciano. From 90 ‘+ 3 Bentancur.
Morata 5.5 – A goal disallowed for offside, a couple wasted. The Spaniard struggles to get onto the bench for long stretches, he wakes up when the opponent is outnumbered. From 88 ‘Kaio Jorge sv
Massimiliano Allegri 6 – He changes his set-up once again, surprisingly giving confidence to Rabiot but not being repaid. On the other hand, Cuadrado guesses the move when Fiorentina is outnumbered and the move proves him right.

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FIORENTINA (report cards by Dimitri Conti)
Terracciano 6 – Extra chills already opening on a revisable setting, it hurts the eye after a scant twenty minutes. Stoic, he grits his teeth, indeed his eyelids and para well. Not Cuadrado’s cross-shot: the deviation beats him.
Odriozola 6 – He starts with his foot on the turbo but also inattentive behind: two lightnesses almost send Morata into a goal. In the end of the first half he gives plays from YouTube videos, in the second half he falls like the others in purple.
Milenkovic 5 – Ruins everything, a test long enough for more than an hour, with two yellow cards remedied in just seven minutes. The second then, with the Church having the field and opponents to overcome, avoidable.
Martinez Wednesday 7 – Without a doubt the best of his players, he leaves Dybala an infinitesimal portion of the game to score. Joya canceled despite a warning on her shoulders as early as minute 26.
Biraghi 5 – In support he always seems to arrive a little later, even if in terms of thrust he does not miss anything. What is missing is the correct reading at 91 ‘on the descent of Cuadrado: he retreats, retreats but the area was full.
Bonaventure 6 – A point of reference in the Italian midfield, he also leads many offensives at the Allianz frontline. Ball to the foot is central, but also good in recoveries: just a little too much imprecision. From 78 ‘Nastasic sv.
Torreira 6,5 – He had said on the eve that it would be bad, he gives it his all. He growls like a hound, whether it’s Dybala’s class or the centimeters of the other medians. Maybe the gas runs out too soon. From 64 ‘ Amrabat 5.5 – He is put in in a very complicated moment, the one in which Juventus grows and flares up: they just can’t resist, suffering from the opposing waves.
Castrovilli 6 – Game with two faces for him: in the first half he is slippery and puts his foot on more than one occasion. In the second half, on the other hand, it tends to disappear, while continuing with a nice dynamic performance. From 78 ‘Duncan sv.
Callejon 6 – Much more into the maneuver and the lily hazard index than the very first outings of the season. It continues in its positive moment and even if it does not hit or leave its mark, it knows how to make itself appreciated. From 75 ‘Igor sv.
Vlahovic 5,5 – Special observation of the people of the Lady and also of De Ligt, who decides to follow him in every step. He suffers from the physical confrontation with the Dutch central, which limits him. However, he always keeps Rugani and him busy.
Saponara 6.5 – Highly educated, he gives private class lessons on the short step to those who want on the stadium lawn. He just lacks the final twist, but as long as he is on the pitch he feels safe. From 75 ‘Sottil sv.
Vincenzo Italiano 6 – He appeals to quality to counter Juventus, as evidenced by the choice of Castrovilli-Bonaventura together as midfielder. The Viola start by dribbling and building from the very first minutes, with courage, taking the points – but only ideally – the first fraction. In the second, however, the air changes and Juve exploits the episode generated by Milenkovic, even excessively punishing his own. Another big match lost.

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