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Justin Bieber plans to return to the big stage after his illness

“Justin Bieber has postponed the remaining dates of his North American tour in early June after announcing he was battling Ramsay Hart Syndrome. In Bieber’s case, the rare virus caused facial paralysis. After announcing his diagnosis on social media on June 10, Bieber postponed his first June concerts in Washington, Toronto and New York, and then the rest of his tour in North America,” the media reported.

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Bieber seems to be doing better now. Doctors also say that the singer has every chance to completely get rid of the insidious disease.

“This syndrome is due to the fact that the herpes virus affects the nerves. The most common symptom of this disease is neuropathy of the facial nerve. It can cause encephalitis and stroke. Justin has a moderate illness. The earlier treatment is prescribed, the better the chances of a cure. About 70% of patients recover,” plastic surgeon Liya Gavasheli told starhit.ru.

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