Home » today » World » Julián Kartún from El Kuelgue, the savior of a tweeter: ‘Now I am happy’

Julián Kartún from El Kuelgue, the savior of a tweeter: ‘Now I am happy’

One follower shared the amazing support he received from the artist years ago. “He really tried to support me,” he confessed. Can you imagine receiving help from your idol?


  • Julián Kartún, leader of El Kuelgue, gains popularity.
  • A tweeter reveals that Kartún helped him get through a difficult moment.
  • They spoke on the phone for 80 minutes in 2016.
  • The tweeter thanks Julián for his support and understanding.

The rise of a musical leader

The figure of Julián Kartún, leader of El Kuelgue, has grown exponentially this year. His reappearance in the character Caro Pardíaco has been a key factor in his growing popularity, becoming a recurring topic of conversation in the media.

A lifesaver in the night

Among the stories circulating about Kartún, one in particular has attracted attention. Twitter user, @T1NF4, has shared a personal experience that marked him deeply. According to what he said, in 2016, during a night of despair and suicidal thoughts, it was Julián who extended a helping hand.

An unexpected call

In the midst of a series of alarming publications, Kartún contacted him, asking for his phone number to call him. Despite only meeting him backstage once, Julián took the time to talk to him during 80 minutesoffering comfort and understanding at a critical time.

A message of thanks

“It didn’t save my life, but it gave me very convincing arguments to stay alive.” This is how the tweeter defines the help that Julián gave him. Although the musician no longer has Twitter, the user sent him a “Thank you crazy, today I am happy” in one of his tweets, in a heartfelt tribute to the one who offered him a light in his darkness.

Editorial opinion

This story is a reminder of the power of support and understanding. Sometimes a simple act of kindness can have an immense impact on another person’s life. In times of crisis, let us not underestimate the power of a friendly voice. Julián Kartún, without knowing it, became a lifeline for someone in his darkest moment. And that, without a doubt, deserves our recognition and admiration.

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